'F*cking sand n*ggers!’ Racist customer goes berserk and hurls merchandise at Target employees
A Target customer who yelled racial slurs at employees gets restrained by a security guard (Screen cap).

A new video that's going viral on social media shows an angry Target customer throwing merchandise around the store while hurling racist slurs at employees.

The video, which was posted by Twitter user @dechavien and has been retweeted more than 18,000 times, shows a woman berating employees at a Target store using racist language.

"You f*cking sand n*ggers!" the woman yells at the start of the video. "F*cking pieces of sh*t, f*ck all of you... all of you are sh*t!"

A short time later, the woman starts picking up pieces of merchandise and hurling them at other customers.

At this point, a security guard at the store came over to physically restrain the woman. He wrestled her to the ground and handcuffed her while she screamed at him.

"I'll leave if you let go!" she screamed repeatedly as the security guard tried to get her to calm down.

The Twitter user who posted the video has not responded to questions about where the video was filmed.

Watch the full video.