(courtesy Dirty Looks)

(courtesy Dirty Looks)

Remember when the streets of New York City were punctuated with storefront porn cinemas? Us neither, but this weekend, in the context of its festival of queer art and cinema, roving curatorial project Dirty Looks is bringing that era back to life with a marathon, 24-hour screening of pre-VHS queer pornography in Brooklyn. Beginning one minute before midnight on September 29 and continuing until the same time the following day, visitors will be able to pay a one-time admission of $12 and come and go as they please to the string of uninterrupted screenings at the 25-screen nonprofit cinema Video Revival.

This marks the New York premiere of Dirty Looks’s “Sesión Continua” series, which has been staged in Los Angeles annually since 2015. For this weekend’s selection, Dirty Looks Creative Director Bradford Nordeen collaborated with Vinegar Syndrome and Curse of Cherifa to handpick a lineup that will alternate between avant-garde films and more explicit pornography. The entire program, however, is intended to complicate and diversify the conventions of gay pornography, so repeat visitors are sure to see a stimulating variety of films.

When: Friday, September 29 at 11:59pm–Saturday, September 30 at 11:59pm
Where: Video Revival (346 Rogers Avenue, Crown Heights, Brooklyn)

More info here.

Benjamin Sutton is an art critic, journalist, and curator who lives in Park Slope, Brooklyn. His articles on public art, artist documentaries, the tedium of art fairs, James Franco's obsession with Cindy...