Hello World!

Prison Cell

Great to be in touch with you again!

I am a Syrian blogger and activist, but currently a political prisoner. I have been in jail for long time now, almost since the first third of the Syrian revolution and was transferred between many jails and ended up in this one.

I can’t tell you my name, the date of my arrest, or the name of my current jail because in the first place I was arrested because of my writings.

Syrian government wanted to shut me up, because it failed and this blog is the prove.

In jail there are no communication, no Internet, and it is not allowed to write. If they catch me blogging again I might loose my life, literally!

When you read my post from behind your screen, please remember that a Syrian blogger risked his life for you to read this, and posting to this blog is a very complicated process! Wait! How can this be verified?

I will leave this to my friends out who are supporting me and will reveal my real identity once I am out, until then I can’t give any other details.

The content of the blog will be stories and events happened to me and/or to other people I met in Syrian jails, also will be sharing my opinions about events in Syria. Most of the posts will be personal. This is not a place to read the latest on Syria news.

Thanks for reading my blog, I hope that you will like it and sorry for not answering your comments for now, I can’t read them but please write to me, once I am out I will enjoy reading and replying to them, and until that moment, I have to stay anonymous blogging from a Syrian jail with love!

Oh! I almost forgot it, I also have a Twitter handle, follow me and get in touch: @MeInSyrianJail

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