Trump: If North Korea threatens U.S. again "they will be met with fire and fury, like the world has never seen"

The president delivered an alarming message to North Korea on Tuesday from his golf club in New Jersey

Published August 8, 2017 5:34PM (EDT)

 (AP/Wong Maye)
(AP/Wong Maye)

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump stated that North Korea "best not make anymore threats" to the U.S., or "they will be met with fire and fury, like the world has never seen."

"[North Korea] has been very threatening beyond a normal state. They will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before," Trump said during a photo op at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, according to CNN.

The provocation further raises tensions with North Korea. Trump's statement follows a Washington Post report on Tuesday which said that, according to some U.S. intelligence officials, "North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can fit inside its missiles, crossing a key threshold on the path to becoming a full-fledged nuclear power." The sources assessed a new analysis from the Defense Intelligence Agency, according to the Post.


CNN reported that the assessment was "not a consensus view from the entire intelligence community."

CNN elaborated:

The US official familiar with the analysis of North Korea's missile and nuclear program says, in reference to North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un's boasts about the program, "we have to take him at his word and we need to be prepared to deal with it."
This official said the "assessment" is continuing to be refined and updated as more intelligence is collected.
The officials all note that the evidence shows North Korea is making progress and the question is more about when not if North Korea is capable of launching a nuclear capable missile.

By Charlie May

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