A behind the neck press is a shoulder exercise that engages several muscle groups. Start by doing a seated behind the neck press, preferably with someone to spot you. Once you are comfortable with the seated press, try the standing version, which will engage lower-body muscle groups in addition to your shoulders. It is advisable to have a trainer or experienced weight lifter demonstrate the exercise to you in person to ensure that you are doing it correctly.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Doing a Seated Behind the Neck Press

  1. For this exercise, you’ll need a smith machine with a barbell. Most gyms will have this machine, or you can purchase your own from several different manufacturers.
  2. Sit on the bench directly in front of the bar, facing away from it. Reach your arms backwards and place them on the bar with an underhand grip. Position your hands shoulder-width apart.[2]
  3. To be safe, have someone spot you before you start lifting. Carefully remove the bar from the rack. Be sure to hold the bar steady so it does not fall backwards.
  4. Gently lower the weight behind your head. Stop when your elbows are perpendicular. Lowering the bar any further will put you at a significant risk for shoulder injury.
  5. Exhale as you push the bar back upwards using a careful, fluid motion. Concentrate on keeping the bar steady. Extend your arms fully above you, but don't "lock" your elbows.
  6. When you are done with the exercise, bring the bar upwards toward the rack. Hold the bar steady for your spotter to grasp and re-rack. Keep your hands on the bar until it is securely back on the rack, then let go.
  7. Because this exercise has a high risk of injury, you should only do one or two sets. Choose a weight slightly lighter than your overhead press weight. Complete this exercise early in the workout after warming up and before fatigue sets in.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Doing a Standing Behind the Neck Press

  1. Put the barbell on the floor in front of you, rather than on the rack. Position your feet hip-width apart. Turn your toes out slightly. Keep your feet planted on the floor and balance your weight on your heels.[3]
  2. Bend your knees to reach down and place your hands shoulder-width apart on the bar. Straighten your legs and pull the bar up as you stand up straight. Hold the bar with your arms flat in front of you.[4]
  3. Bend your elbows to pull the weight up in front of your chest. Extend your arms upwards and push the bar over your head in a fluid motion. Slowly lower the bar, pulling your shoulders back and allowing the elbows to bend to 90 degrees in order to rest the bar behind your neck.[5]
  4. Drive the bar up aggressively in a directly vertical motion. Bring your arms up into a fully extended overhead position (without "locking" your elbows). Be sure to keep a steady motion to avoid letting the bar extend forward or backward.[6]
  5. When you are done with your reps, finish with the weight fully extended above you. Lower the weight slowly, bringing it down to rest in front of your chest, then extend it downwards until your arms are straight. Bend your knees to rest it back on the ground, then raise yourself back to a standing position.[7]
  6. Start by doing 3-5 reps of this exercise at a time. As you grow more comfortable, extend the reps to 6-10. Begin with lighter weights to get accustomed to positioning and executing the press.[8]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Lifting Safely

  1. It is important to check with your doctor before embarking on any kind of strength-training program, especially if you have a history of injury or illness. Ask if this kind of exercise will exacerbate damage to joints or muscles, or if it is safe given other medical conditions (e.g., high blood pressure). Once you start lifting weights, see your doctor immediately if you suspect that you are injured.[9]
    • Shoulder flexibility is necessary to perform this exercise, so avoid this if you suffer from a shoulder injury.
    • If your shoulder are rounded forward, develop flexibility by stretching the chest and front of shoulders before trying this version of an overhead lift.
  2. For greatest strength and muscle development, choose a weight that causes fatigue around 8 reps. This will depend on many factors including your experience, body mass, and overall strength. You should begin performing this exercise with lighter weight and more reps to build up strength in the connective tissues of the upper back and shoulders. Learning proper technique with lighter weight first will develop muscle memory, making the exercise safer when you go heavy.[10]
  3. Having a spotter can dramatically reduce the likelihood of injury while weight lifting by preventing dropping or body strain. Ask a friend or fellow gym-goer to spot you, and offer to do the same for them. Be sure to choose someone that you trust and interact well with, as communication is key between spotters and lifters.[11]
  4. After weight lifting, there is generally a recovery period of 24 to 48 hours. If you have aching muscles or sore joints after this time, or experience severe neck pain after weightlifting, contact your doctor. You should seek medical attention immediately if you notice a painful bulge in your abdomen, which could be a hernia.[12]

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  • This exercise should be viewed as a compliment to shoulder work which keeps the movement in a safe and comfortable range of motion.
  • Remember proper breathing techniques to help control your blood pressure. Never hold your breath on this exercise.
  • Practice behind the neck presses safely by starting with light weight, and working up to heavier weight gradually.


  • Lifting weight behind the head places risks on the shoulder joint, the neck, the upper spine, and the elbows.
  • Lifting weight over the head works the heart hard and can lead to significantly increased blood pressure. Anyone with high blood pressure or related health issues should proceed with caution.

About this article

Michele Dolan
Co-authored by:
Certified Fitness Trainer
This article was co-authored by Michele Dolan. Michele Dolan is a Fitness Trainer based in Sidney, British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002, and was certified as a Personal Trainer by the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA). Michele is also a Registered Clinical Counselor, and uses her 20+ years of fitness coaching experience to help clients understand their mind-body connection. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) and Certified Clinical Counsellor (CCC), certified by the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors and the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. In her work, Michele uses the tools of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectic Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. She practices and teaches mindfulness and acceptance in all of her coaching work. She holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology. This article has been viewed 17,304 times.
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Updated: February 26, 2022
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