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10 Meditations You’ll Want to Keep Handy

Meditation is one part of the practice that has the potential to keep deepening with age. Here are 10 guided meditations to return to for years to come.

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As Yoga Journal turns 40, aging is on our minds. And it’s worth mentioning that while we hope to practice asana to the very end, it’s likely that eventually some poses will become less accessible and less safe. Meditation practice, on the other hand, only has the potential to deepen and sweeten over time (not to mention slow the entire aging process among other benefits). So what are you waiting for? Explore this collection of 10 guided meditations and bookmark your favorites for years to come.

#1 Connect with the present moment

beach, waves, beach sounds

Go ahead and breathe, relax, feel, watch, and allow. Try this five-part meditation, a powerful invitation to connect fully with the present moment—and whatever it brings.

ALSO TRY A Simple Guided Breathing Meditation

#2 Meditate on the ordinary

yoga pose in bed

Think about it: Do you give more attention, time, and energy to the dramatic and intense experiences in your life than to the more mundane moments in between? Try this everyday meditation to discover all of the loveliness just waiting there.

ALSO TRY 10-Minute Meditation on the Sounds of Daily Life

#3 Nourish your heart

envy, beach

The posture of the physical body has strong effects on the emotional. Consider how opening the heart in asana practice can create a sense of expansiveness and joy. On your meditation cushion, you can get similar results by cleansing and nourishing the heart from the inside. Repeat this heart-awareness practice regularly or anytime you’re dealing with strong emotions.

ALSO TRY A Guided Meditation for Heartbreak, Pain, and Grief

#4 Get to the heart of gratitude

two women meditating outside

Japanese Naikan practices encourage an objective survey of yourself and your relationship to the world by shifting your attention from self-centered thinking to seeing things as they are. Try setting aside 30 minutes at the end of the day for this Naikan practiceto discover your deepest feelings of gratitude.

ALSO TRY Coral Brown’s Do-Anywhere Daily Mindfulness + Gratitude Practice

#5 Ignite your intuition


Use this practice to call on Saraswati, the embodiment of intuition, whenever you need to remember your highest truth from within. Are you standing at a crossroads in life? Is your rational mind dominating your decision-making? In this meditation you will seek a balance of receptivity and courage to follow your highest path. Try this three-step meditation to follow you inner GPS.

ALSO TRY 10-Minute Meditation for Creating Lasting Change

#6 Define your dreams

Elena Brower

Are your dreams fuzzy? Elena Brower offers a practice, inspired by her personal development training in the Handel Method for bringing it all into focus. Try the four-step practice and start living your dreams.

ALSO TRY 5-Step Meditation for Planning Your Perfect Vacation

#7 Identify your dharma

Coral Brown, Natarajasana, going with the flow

Are you living in alignment with your true purpose? Try thisfour-step mind-mapping meditation to find out.

ALSO TRY 3-Step Meditation to Find Your Career Calling

#8 Discover the power of love

STephanie snyder anjali mudra

Love is universally recognized by ancient cultures and traditions for its healing powers. Today, Western researchers acknowledge both its benefits for the immune system and mental health. With regular practice, this lovingkindness meditation will help you improve all of your relationships.

ALSO TRY Cultivate a Metta Mind: Lovingkindness Meditation

#9 Dwell in your lotus heart

In this practice you will visualize your heart as a lotus flower unfolding at the center of your chest, as your spiritual heart awakens. Try this heart-focused meditation to direct awareness to your heart chakra, a place of unconditional love, as you practice training your mind.

ALSO TRY Deepak Chopra’s 7-Step Meditation to Open Your Heart 

#10 Stargaze to deepen awareness

Deepak Chopra Meditation for sleep

In the wilderness, it can be tempting to get caught up in “doing” something—snapping a shot for Instagram or reaching the destination before dark, say. But that kind of focus overlooks the natural world’s invitation to leave behind our fixed concepts and come into a closer proximity with reality—what Buddhist teachings call “nonconceptual awareness.” Try this stargazing meditation to deepen your intimacy with the natural world and the ultimate reality.

EXPLRE MORE Guided Meditations

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