Kyoukai no Kanata Fashion » Kuriyama Mirai »...

Kyoukai no Kanata Fashion » Kuriyama Mirai » School Uniform [x] Casually cosplay Mirai with a chunky cardigan, striped shirt and pleated skirt. Add a red wrap bracelet to represent her hemokinesis, and most importantly, don’t forget a pair of red...

Kyoukai no Kanata Fashion » Kuriyama Mirai » School Uniform [x]

Casually cosplay Mirai with a chunky cardigan, striped shirt and pleated skirt. Add a red wrap bracelet to represent her hemokinesis, and most importantly, don’t forget a pair of red frames! (⌐□_□)・゚✧

I’m so glad the school in KnK appears to have a pretty loose dress code—then we get a glimpse of everyone’s personal style without losing the charm of school uniforms. (◠‿◠✿)