Shoulders can be difficult muscles to build. Some people find it’s easy to get the size they want in their chest and arms, but still struggle with their deltoid muscles. To build big side delts, do exercises that isolate and specifically work those muscles. Make sure you're working the muscles to fatigue. Design your training regimen so that you're doing your shoulder work early in the week, when you're well rested.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Doing Specific Exercises

  1. The seated or standing military press is one of the most effective exercises to build the muscles in the deltoid muscle group. While this exercise can be done with a barbell or dumbbells, dumbbells can help you better isolate your shoulders.[2]
    • To do a dumbbell military press, also called an overhead press, start in a stable seated or standing position with the weights just above your upper chest. Your hands should be slightly past your shoulders.
    • Extend your arms upward in a slow, controlled movement, straightening your elbows to lift the weight overhead. Then lower the weight back to start in a slow, controlled movement.
    • Start with two to three sets of eight to ten repetitions of this exercise. Increase weight gradually as you build muscle strength. Your goal is to work your shoulders to fatigue.
  2. The Arnold press requires full rotation of your shoulders, which can help build strength across the full range of motion in your shoulders. Start with your dumbbells just above your upper chest, with your palms facing your body.[3]
    • You'll lift the weights just as you did in the overhead press, but as you lift your arms overhead, rotate the weight. Halfway through the lift, the dumbbells should be parallel on your sides. At the top, they'll be in the same position as when you started except that your palms will be facing forward.
    • Twist back down to lower the weights in a slow, controlled movement. Do two to three sets of eight to ten repetitions to start.
  3. Dumbbell side lateral raises are a classic exercise if you want to isolate and build your side delts in particular.[4] This exercise can be done sitting or standing. As with the other presses, the exercise is easier to do seated than standing.[5]
    • With a lateral raise, start with your arms by your sides. Lift the weight to shoulder height or just above, then lower in a slow, controlled movement. Do two to three sets of eight to ten repetitions.
    • Be careful not to add weight too quickly on your lateral raises. While you can increase weight incrementally over time, it's generally better with this exercise to add repetitions before you add weight.
  4. Strengthening your rotator cuff muscles with rotator cuff rotations can protect against shoulder injuries. Rotations should be done using a cable machine. Do these at the end of every workout.[6]
    • To do an internal rotation, grab the cable with the arm closest to the machine. Hold your elbow flexed at a 90 degree angle and pull the cable inwards towards your belly.
    • To do an external rotation, grab the cable with the arm farthest from the cable machine, and perform a reverse movement, rotating your arm outwards away from your belly.
    • Do two to three sets of eight to ten repetitions. The weight should be heavy enough that your muscles feel fatigued afterwards.
  5. Rear flyes are a dumbbell exercise that can help build up your delts. Start by lying stomach-down on an incline bench. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing inward towards each other. Bring your arms forward so that they’re in front of you and perpendicular to the bench.[7]
    • While you exhale, lift the weights away from each other until your arms are extended out to your sides like wings. Squeeze your shoulder blades as you move.
    • While you inhale, slowly lower the weights back to the starting position. Start by doing three sets of ten repetitions.
  6. Hold a pair of dumbbells in an overhand grip, keeping your hands just under shoulder-width apart, your arms slightly bent at the elbows, and your back straight. The dumbbells should rest on your upper thighs.[8]
    • Exhale and raise the weight by pulling your elbows up and out until the dumbbells are just below your chin, keeping your elbows higher than the rest of your arms. Pause for a second at the top.
    • Then, inhale as you slowly lower the dumbbells back down to your starting position. Start with two sets of ten repetitions.
  7. Compound movements that involve more than one joint typically give you the best results over time. These include all chest and back exercises, which involve the shoulder and the elbows.[9]
    • While your goal may be to build big side delts, it's just as important to build the other two muscles in the deltoid muscle group, as well as the supporting muscles in your arms, chest, and upper back.
    • The Arnold press is an example of a compound exercise, because two joints are involved – your elbows and your shoulders. That exercise works your shoulders, but also the supporting muscles in your arms and upper back.
  8. To build big side delts, you have to be able to work your muscles to failure. If you have relatively weak triceps, they will fail before your shoulders reach the point of muscle fatigue. Building strength in your triceps is essential if you want to build your shoulders. Dumbbell kickbacks are one good exercise to build your triceps muscles.[10]
    • Get on the floor on all fours, or stand next to a weight bench with one knee on the bench and one foot on the floor. Keep your back as flat as possible, and hold the weight with your upper arm parallel to your body and your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle.
    • Kick the weight back, extending your elbow until your whole arm is parallel to your body. Turn your palms so they’re facing upwards. Then, lower back to the starting position with a slow, controlled movement. Start with three sets of 10 repetitions of this exercise.[11]
  9. You'll often get better results with dumbbells if you're trying to build overall shoulder mass. Dumbbells are somewhat harder to control than barbells, and have a longer range of motion so you're working the entire muscle.[12]
    • You also may want to alternate, doing the same exercises with dumbbells, then with a barbell later in the week.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Designing Your Training Regimen

  1. You shouldn’t do every exercise listed here in a single session, or you could injure your shoulders. Instead, pick a few exercises you like, and do no more than 100 repetitions between all exercises in a given session.
    • Take it easy. Shoulder injuries are often slow to heal and can cause pain for years.
  2. If you want to build big side delts, pack your shoulder-isolating exercises into your routine in your first workout following your rest day, so you are at your most fresh and rested.[13]
    • If you're well rested, the exercises will have the maximum impact when you work your shoulders to fatigue. You will continue to build muscle throughout the week as you engage your shoulders in other exercises.
  3. Since this specific movement is not repeated in any of your other exercises, you can overhead press about twice a week. Give yourself a few days to recover in between sessions.
  4. Even though your goal is to build big side delts, your shoulders still should be balanced. Include exercises that work all three muscles in the deltoid group. Imbalances can lead to pain and injury.[14]
    • Before you start doing shoulder exercises, learn the anatomy of the shoulders so you can understand how the muscles work together.
    • The lateral, or side, deltoid, is the particular muscle you want to build. It sits on the top of your shoulder. The anterior deltoid is on the front of your shoulders, near your chest, while your posterior deltoid runs along the back of your shoulders.
  5. Since your shoulders are involved in back and chest exercises, they can become easily overworked if you don’t give them enough rest. If they’re feeling really fatigued, lower the intensity of your workout so they can recover.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Tweaking Your Form

  1. With any shoulder exercises you do, the correct form will build muscle mass faster than if you keep piling on weight with sloppy form. Over time, doing exercises with poor technique may result in strain or injury.[15]
    • If you're exercising in a gym, get a trainer or experienced weightlifter to critique your form before you develop any bad habits.
    • If you plan to work out at a home gym, you still may want to have a personal trainer or experienced friend come by and check out your technique, especially if these are new exercises to you.
  2. If you're lifting a barbell rather than dumbbells, where you place your hands on the bar determines which muscles are engaged. [16]
    • Keep your grip wider on the bar, with your hands a little wider than shoulder-width apart.
    • If your grip is narrow, with your hands closer together, you won't isolate the deltoids as well because the muscles in your arms, upper back, and chest will be doing most of the work.
  3. As the weight gets heavier, you risk injury if your muscles give out and you have to drop the weight. A spotter can help you in case of muscle fatigue during an exercise.[17]
    • When using heavy weights, it's not a good idea to lift at home alone. Get a buddy to come over and work out with you, or join a gym.

Expert Q&A

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    What exercises should I do to work my side delts?
    Alphonso White
    Alphonso White
    Certified Personal Trainer, CompleteBody NYC
    Alphonso White is a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach at CompleteBody in New York City. With over 20 years of experience in the personal fitness industry, Alphonso specializes in fat loss, toning, and functional training. As an ACE Certified Personal Trainer (ACE-CPT), he creates structured, personal workout plans geared towards short and long-term fitness goals. Alphonso also holds a BS in Nutrition and Exercise Science from Queens College and is a Black Belt in Seido Karate.
    Alphonso White
    Certified Personal Trainer, CompleteBody NYC
    Expert Answer
    If you want bigger side delts, work on exercises like barbell upright rows and dumbbell lateral raises.
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  • Talk to your healthcare provider before you add new exercises to your regimen, particularly if you had a back or shoulder injury sometime in the recent past.


  2. Dean Theriot. Personal Trainer. Expert Interview. 22 January 2021.
  4. Alphonso White. Certified Personal Trainer, CompleteBody NYC. Expert Interview. 24 February 2021.
  6. Dean Theriot. Personal Trainer. Expert Interview. 22 January 2021.
  8. Dean Theriot. Personal Trainer. Expert Interview. 22 January 2021.

About this article

Dean Theriot
Co-authored by:
Personal Trainer
This article was co-authored by Dean Theriot and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Dean Theriot is a Personal Trainer and the Owner of Timberline Fitness in Houston, Texas. With over 25 years of experience in the fitness industry, Dean specializes in personal, group, and sport-specific training. Dean holds a BS in Exercise Physiology from LSU. Dean combines resistance and cardiovascular training with pilates exercises for comprehensive workouts for his clients. His sport-specific training includes football, basketball, and baseball. This article has been viewed 32,345 times.
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Co-authors: 10
Updated: April 8, 2022
Views: 32,345
Article SummaryX

To build big side delts, do dumbbell presses, which are great for isolating your shoulder muscles. You can also build your side delts by doing dumbbell side lateral raises and upright rows. Since you'll need strong triceps to work out your side delts, make sure you're also doing triceps exercises like dumbbell kickbacks. Also, try to get in some rotator cuff rotations too, which will help protect your shoulders from injury while you're building your side delts. To learn how to design a training regimen to get bigger side delts, scroll down!

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    Aug 12, 2017

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