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TIL Rosie O'Donnell hated the movie 'Fight Club' so much, she spoiled the ending on her talk show and urged viewers not to see it

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u/adjectivebeforenoun avatar

In an infamous incident, the Friday that the film was released theatrically in the United States, Rosie O'Donnell appeared on her TV show and revealed that she had seen the film earlier in the week, and had been unable to sleep ever since. She then proceeded to give away the twist ending of the film and urged all of her viewers to avoid the movie at all costs. Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and David Fincher discuss this incident on their DVD commentary track, with Pitt calling 'O'Donnell's actions "unforgivable".

u/WolfThawra avatar

If a movie is able to keep you from sleeping for a week, it clearly has had a big impact and should be interesting just because of that alone.

u/QuiteFedUp avatar

That or you're incapable of handling things normal people can and are clearly a bad source for advice.


She's fat for a reason.

No offense to my fellow fat redditors.

But lose some weight you fat bastards.

Its the spoons' fault.

u/quangtit01 avatar

Ah, the classic "Pee recklessly then blame the penis" strat

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u/Xzadows avatar

ban all the spoons.

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I can't reddit and jog at the same time can I?!

u/squishypills avatar

Stick a usb with the innernette on it right into your ear. Browse over 20 subreddets!

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Lost 200 lbs... I support this statment. Also fuck that ugly fat bitch

u/frizzledrizzle avatar

So now you're Rapscallion220

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Damn. Handing out tough love. I like it.


But food is so delicious.

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u/klsi832 avatar

You can't die from insomnia. You wanna see pain? Swing by First Methodist Tuesday nights. See the guys with testicular cancer. That's pain.

u/DarthRockabang avatar

My English teacher senior of high school's first name was Marla and a guy in our class would drop that tumor quote at least once a week whenever she was pissed at us. I forgot to bring it up when I would see her at the bar 4 years later..


"I haven't been fucked like that since grade school."

u/DarthRockabang avatar

Funny thing is that she took a student who was a senior the previous year to a wedding as a date the following year. This gets more and more appropriate .....well comment wise anyways..

u/jumblepuzz avatar

"I want to have your abortion."

u/open_door_policy avatar

Never bet a director that he can't come up a line you'd find even more offensive.

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u/klsi832 avatar

I wanted to destroy something

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u/mijn_ikke avatar

actually, it is strongly believed that you can die from sleep deprivation


One of the most notable cases is that of Michael (Michel A.) Corke, a music teacher from New Lenox, Illinois (born in Watseka, Illinois). He began to have trouble sleeping before his 40th birthday in 1991; following these first signs of insomnia, his health and state of mind quickly deteriorated as his condition worsened. Eventually, sleep became completely unattainable, and he was soon admitted to University of Chicago Hospital with a misdiagnosis of clinical depression due to multiple sclerosis. Medical professionals Dr. Raymond Roos and Dr. Anthony Reder, at first unsure of the nature of his illness, initially diagnosed multiple sclerosis; in a bid to provide temporary relief in the later stages of the disease, physicians induced a coma with the use of sedatives, to no avail as his brain still failed to shut down completely. Corke died in 1993, a month after his 42nd birthday, by which time he had been completely sleep-deprived for six months.[13]

u/Jozer99 avatar

To be fair, insomnia in this case is a symptom of a fatal brain disease FFI.

Insomnia is incredibly unpleasant, so much so that it can be used as torture. This prevents researchers from conducting any sort of systematic insomnia research, so we don't have any real information on the effects of not sleeping on humans.

u/If_I_rot avatar

6 months

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u/tattlerat avatar

Once you reach a certain point where you haven't slept in long enough the delirium sets in. You start dreaming while you're awake and shit gets fucked up. I don't recommend the experience. I go through bouts of insomnia once or twice a year. Longest I made it was 5 days before I was finally able to conk out, it was the most miserable experience of my life.

u/socsa avatar

It's strange because the exhaustion comes in waves after a certain point. You'll get that "second/third/fourth wind" feeling for about an hour where you feel plenty awake, but like your IQ has been cut in half, followed by a 10-15 minute wave of sleepiness, followed by another hour of "awake."

As if your body is saying "time to sleep yet? No? Ok, continue avoiding predators and I'll check back again in an hour."

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I used to do meth and I stayed up for 48 hours once. That shit suuuuuucked! I was walking dead for about four days after that! It could have been cause I blew all my money on meth and was coming down, though...

u/anarrogantbastard avatar

I am up for roughly that amount of time about 4-5 times a year. It takes about that much time for me to recover. I would assume it was worse for you because of the meth though

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I almost did the same, although i wasn't on meth and it was around 44 hours. Had a farewell drinking sesh, was pretty drunk, on a lot of mdma (which was probably cut with a whole lot of other shit), went to a wedding, then followed that up with another party. I was so out of it by the end that my body was begging for sleep. I remember being the angriest i've ever been in my entire life that people were chatting and laughing instead of sleeping and then when i finally got to sleep i was woken up 15 mins later by a chick jumping on me and telling me that they'd protect me from the dragons and people outside on the street. If i wasn't in physical pain (and had the events told to me the next day) i'd have 100% believed i was hallucinating. Have never been that sleep deprived before or since. I can't imagine how awful some people have it with insomnia.

Try being in the service and not having the benefit of meth to stay awake for 48 hours. (hint don't join if you don't like having moments of sheer misery)

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u/throwaway689908 avatar

Fucking hell. I'm up for 36-48 hours a day once every year (to watch the 24 Hours of Le Mans), and the sleep after it is some of the best ever.

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u/chicagofatishguy avatar

Fun fact, you can die from insomnia!

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I hate Rosie O'Donnell. So I'm going to give away the ending. She dies of obesity related complications.


That or in this case, the viewer has mental issues.

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Rosie O'Donnells laugh keeps me up at night for weeks on end

u/Phalex avatar

RULE #1 Rosie! RULE #1!

u/SirMothy avatar

That is just plain fucked up

u/VoiceYourUniverse avatar


u/ShibaHook avatar



u/TheCheeseCutter avatar

LibreOffice Draw

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I reckon it all comes down to personal insecurity. She basically shits on anything / anyone more confident or successful than her. They should have sued her.


Lol it wasn't a horror movie. Did she actually say what was so disturbing for her about it? She mightve inadvertently caused more people to see it. I feel like the target demographic is probably whoever hates Rosie O Donnell.

Luckily no one actually ever watched that show. Hell, I forgot she even had a talk show.

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u/shitsnapalm avatar

I'm curious what her criticisms were.

She actually loved the movie; she just wanted to destroy something beautiful.

u/dogfish83 avatar

this I can get behind.

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u/ottobottled avatar

His name was Rosie O'Donnell.

Edit: You're in a league of your own my friend.


I thought it was Meatloaf.

u/devilslaughters avatar

I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.

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His name was Robert Paulson.

u/renormalizable avatar

His name was Robert Paulson.


His name was Robert Paulson.

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The resemblance was uncanny

u/The_Onion_Baron avatar

Come on; Meat Loaf is twice as handsome as that loaf of meat.

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Honestly its one of those movies that presents radical ideas to rubes, and so it's fucking terrifying.

You ever tried to talk about Nihilism to a Christian? Same deal.


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u/Mr_Subtlety avatar

Exactly the kind of eloquent insight you would expect from someone who thinks Fight Club is full of "radical ideas"

u/Thakgor avatar

I mean, to rubes those ideas probably are radical.

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radical: "advocating or based on thorough or complete political or social change; representing or supporting an extreme or progressive section of a political party."

Spoilers: I'd say that ending modern civilization & bringing it all back to its hunter-gatherer roots while embracing recreational fighting for the damage it causes is radical.

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Kind of curious as to what you think radical ideas are.

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Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism dude, at least it's an ethos.

u/CloseQuartersGaming avatar

I am the walrus?

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u/Skadoosh_it avatar

That's not the only movie she spoiled.

Source: mom watched it religiously

u/Drinkin_Abe_Lincoln avatar

Yeah she was in a couple too.

Three words: Exit To Eden.


Oh no, you just removed the mental block I had in place.

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u/Killboypowerhed avatar

She also spoiled the flintstones

What would a Flintstones spoiler...

Ohhhh...I get it.

u/typeswithgenitals avatar

Yeah, it had so much going for it.

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Pretty sure the viewers of her show weren't going to see the movie in the first place.

Neither of them.

u/iswearatkids avatar

*queue laugh track.

u/tangoechoalphatango avatar



u/_ParadigmShift avatar


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u/Hank_of_the_Hill93 avatar


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u/restrictednumber avatar

(Just a friendly tutorial!)

"Queue" is a line of people. It's more used in British English. "I waited in a queue at the coffee shop." Or, in verb form, "I queued up for my coffee."

"Cue" is the word you're looking for. A cue is a signal, like the cue for an actor to say his lines. "Gerald waited backstage for his cue to enter." Or, in verb form, "I cued Gerald to enter, but he couldn't hear me."

Common mistake, since they sound exactly the same!

u/iswearatkids avatar

Yeah I realized afterwords, but reddit had already run with it. So I left it. Upvote for the info though.

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I was just there for the koosh balls...

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u/RickVince avatar

No but my mother had it on in the backround and you better believe I wanted to see it.

What a cunt. Utter cunt. Completely unforgivable. Christ I hope she was black-listed from everything after that.

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u/StillUseLandlines avatar

"You are NOT your lesbian haircut."

~Tyler Durden~

I am Rosie's seething outrage.

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u/dq8705 avatar

Am I the only one who's pissed off she broke the 1st rule of Fight Club?

I'm more upset that she broke the second rule, personally.

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I'm upset you're breaking the first rule of ______


What club?

I'm more pissed that she broke Rule 34.

u/almost_not_terrible avatar

Omg you are right. There is no Rosie O'Donnell porn.

u/Mofofett avatar

Don't you start...

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u/CheeseyNibbles avatar

There's a sentence I didn't think I'd be reading when I woke up this morning.

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u/Lovethoselittletrees avatar

TIL I can hate Rosie O'Donnell more than I did before.. who knew. What a twat.

u/ChaIroOtoko avatar

Who is she and why people hate her?
ELI5 anyone?


Because she fits most stereotypes of the obnoxious lesbian.

She's basically the opposite of Ellen.

u/ItsNotSpaghetti avatar

The Anti-Ellen

u/VomitEverywhere avatar

People hated her before she came out as a lesbian, so just to be clear that doesn't have anything to do with people hating her.

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Wow, I'm feeling dumb. I hadn't thought of her in so long I kept thinking this was Rosanne and wondering when she had a talk show...

Roseanne is actually pretty chill and funny though, nothing like Rosie

u/DoctahZoidberg avatar

She was, she's gone insane over the last couple years. I'm actually surprised they got her for a reunion, though maybe her peanut macadamia farm is a flop.

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u/Ivy61 avatar

Dam up until I read your post I was thinking the same. Forgot they were two different people.

u/CheeseyNibbles avatar

This is some Tyler Durden levels of headfuckery...are they ACTUALLY different people!?

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u/Quiddity99 avatar

They look a lot alike. Don't feel bad, I thought the same when I was a kid.

Actually not so much anymore. Roseanne's appearance has changes a lot as she's gotten older.,0,214,317_AL.jpg

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u/dogfish83 avatar

we were playing taboo and Ellen had already been mentioned during the evening, so someone gave the clue "the other lesbian!" "Rosie O'donnell!" it was correct.

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u/nemoTheKid avatar

Returns to what roots? Ellen has continued to be political and I don't understand how that's a knock on her.

Rosie could be downright preachy/condescending - no where like Ellen

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u/Captain_Aizen avatar

Everything I've ever heard about her, she seems more and more like a cunt.

u/chucktheskiffie avatar

So there are some things that Trump is right about...

The only time I found myself defending the Trump family was when Rosie O'Donnell took to twitter accusing Baron Trump of being autistic. Because you know that's a bad thing that should be mocked "because Donald". I'm autistic myself and I found it insulting that a member of an oppressed community would use something like autism as an insult on a child just to get to his dad. That's fucking gay.

u/Bassmeant avatar

Irony level high score

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I found it insulting that a member of an oppressed community would use something like autism as an insult

That's fucking gay

Kidding or autistic? 🤔

Kidding of course. I've adapted my humor to fit my socializing issues, so I tend to throw weird or ironic things out there in a way where people won't be totally sure if I'm joking or not. It gets better results than trying to be outright funny and failing.

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u/elderpedals avatar

That sounds like the basis for a decent subreddit...

Edit: Let's give it a shot.

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u/deadmike86 avatar

Rosie O'Donnell is one dude you shouldn't fuck with.

u/perptiOlue avatar

Ask Larry David

u/GaijinFoot avatar

You know she auditioned to be Elaine in Seinfeld? God that would have been awful

When Harry Potter was first becoming a thing, she practically begged J.K. Rowling to play Mrs. Weasley. I'm glad they wanted to keep the production British.

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Jesus that would have been a train wreck.

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She wears underwear with dick holes in em.

u/hotchnuts avatar
u/Kvothealar avatar

I'm not clicking that.

u/JohnDalysBAC avatar

It's a joke from Chapelle's Show.

u/Kvothealar avatar

You understand my original concern haha.

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Yes, she is the equivalent of human meatloaf.

u/Bassmeant avatar

Little known fact:

She's Danny devitos older brother

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u/snertwith2ls avatar

Didn't Rush Limbaugh do exactly the same thing with "Crying Game"? Said he hated it, revealed the plot twist, told people not to go see it. I hate people who do spoilers just because they can.

Han shot Dumbledore.

u/zebrastarz avatar

The Planet of the Apes was actually a dream about dead Bruce Willis.


Bruce Willis is Batman

u/IAmBruceWillis avatar

I am Batman

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At the time, Rosie hadn't actually come out of the closet. Considering the original book (and likely the movie) is supposed to reflect Chuck Palahniuk's struggle with coming out himself (ie. embracing femininity, among other things), perhaps Rosie saw it as something to chip away at her armor. It was a movie about learning not to lie to oneself, and yet there she was, living the biggest lie of all with her inexplicable love of Tom Cruise and need to throw cheap rubber toys into the audience.


I never knew chuck palahniuk was gay.

Learn something new everyday!

I love rant, it's one of my favourite novels.

I had no idea either. Like learning about the Wachowskis did with The Matrix, this puts the movie in a whole new context. Nuts!

I might have to see it a 7th time.

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I live in the Portland area. Chuck usually does at least one book signing in the area a year, I've been to 2 of them, one time as his assistant (yeah, I paid a charity to be Chuck's assistant for 3 hrs). One of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He will also take a picture with you... of him putting you in a headlock

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I am Rosie O'Donell's inflated ego

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So not cool. For any movie by anyone. .....She was so good in Exit to Eden. /s

I can't believe she was meant to be an attractive betty rubble in that Flintstones movie eesh

She has more of a Barney Rubble body type.

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u/A_Feast_For_Trolls avatar

she wasn't.

But uhhh Halle Berry in that leopard print was one of the first entries in my spank bank growing up. Dear lord.

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Beaten (literally) to it.

shakes a tiny fist of rage

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"All men should hide their shadow selves!"

Launches Koosh ball

u/I_Am_Dynamite6317 avatar

Rosie O'Donnell is a bad person.

u/RoninSinceBirth avatar

This is the singular act that led me to despise her.


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He did a pretty good job for being blindsided. He's also good on the board


From what I understand he was pretty calm and also managed to call her out on her own hypocrisy. At the time she was a spokes-creature for K-Mart, one of the biggest firearms retailers in the country. She had no problem taking their money...

Yup, she was getting worked up and he was a cucumber

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I guess Trump was right about one person.


Two people. Jeb was very low energy.

"Please clap."

u/handsy_octopus avatar

but his mom likes him.. kinda


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u/terrapin_bound avatar

It is hard to not not like Rosie.


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But then hard when not not not not liking Rosie. Strange stuff.

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u/Owattrtrotn avatar

Man, if this is the straw that broke the camels back for anyone about her.. id be moderately surprised to say the least!


I've never really had any complaints about her... Until now.

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For those that don't know, at the end the fight club decides to go clean and become a legitimate soap making business. They run a successful advertising campaign with the slogan "The amazing soap no one is talking about".

u/TheCheeseGod avatar

What a bitch!


What a useless cow

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What a self righteous cunt she is.

Edit. Changed "C-word" to "cunt".

u/dakid1 avatar

Cunt. She's a cunt. Just say it

Maybe he meant crustacean. Maybe he knows something we don't.

u/SirMothy avatar

Crab people!

u/mrthewhite avatar

Pretty sure he meant cucumber.

Maybe she's a capybara. I can kind of see it in the physical resemblance.

You take that back! Capybraras are way too cool to be Rosie.

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u/szekeres81 avatar
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u/GanasbinTagap avatar

What an absolute cunt

Damn her, the first rule of Fight Club is not to talk about Fight Club

In other news, Brad Pitt and Edward Norton didn't care.

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u/No1YouKnow42 avatar

Didnt she learn the 1st rule of fight club?

What a douche bag. I love Fight Club and still remember how shocked I was when the twist at the end of revealed and how its still one of the best twists I have ever seen in a movie. If someone ruined that for me I would have been beyond pissed.

It was one of the many things that contributed to her profile kind of imploding.

I actually really enjoyed her talk show in the 90's as a kid. I would watch it with my mom (I'm a guy), and I didn't have a lot of stuff I really bonded with my mom over, but she was working an earlier shift one year, so she was home when i'd get home from school and we'd watch it together, and it was a fun show.

u/tacos_for_algernon avatar

Yeah, like I need another reason to hate her.

u/beautifuljeep avatar

Such a thoroughly unpleasant person.

u/kriswone avatar

stop promoting Rosie O'Donnell

u/szekeres81 avatar

I'm her agent, you can't stop me

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"I didn't like it, therefor none shot be able to enjoy it", man is there any more disgusting mentality people can have? It's basically the virtual version of throwing acid in the face of your partner for breaking up with you.

Broke the most important rule...


The best response I can think of to this post is, "Rosie who?"

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As a German I never cared noticeably about Rosie O'Donnell - now I have very strong negative feelings for her.

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u/milliPEDEstrian avatar

Too bad I already really enjoyed this movie, I would love to have changed my opinion as a result of this new information. Such a nasty woman!

Rosie makes me like Kathy Griffin even more..

u/TheInverseFlash avatar

Now now... don't say anything that we can't take back.

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u/ParkandRides avatar

"Now, that man right there I'd hate to fight, she wears underwear with dick holes in them"

That movie had more heart than just about any of the Disney movies.

To me, it was a movie that cut to the core of 'who do you want to be' and 'why aren't you that person?', albiet with violence, but that's still the core of the movie.

But yeah, that movie was so mishandled promotionally. The studio that released 'Falling Down', which is a movie with similar overtones (but not the heart) was a little more successful at the ad game.

u/jel1995 avatar

Weird cause I always assumed it was about how easy one can take advantage of people's insecurities about who they want to be in order to radicalize them or start a cult. Like a cautionary tale to not be taken in by Tyler durdens

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u/salecornia avatar

the epitome of selfishness

As much as I dislike the perceived personality of her, spoiling that movie doesn't spoil the movie. It works every time.

If you watch the movie 50 times, and then read the book - the book still works, too. Even if the book's ending has been spoiled. I checked that myself.

It's a good piece.

John McCain criticized it too. Said something like, "it's just a bunch of men beating each other." And he was talking about how there should be less violence in movies.

It's one thing to criticize the content or composition of a movie. Each of us is entitled to our opinion and the expression thereof. But it's quite another thing to knowingly spoil, for any reason. That's unforgivable.

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