The writer has been helping eco friendly companies to find the right promotional products to meet their advertising needs for years. My passions are for the beauty of the earth and people's ability to make a good life for themselves, each and every one. I help customers in finding eco-friendly products. Buying eco-friendly products are one of the crucial ways of going green. Going Green is not just a trend. It's a priority for all of us if we want to continue to live on a beautiful, life-giving planet.


Why “THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN” argument doesn’t Justify Cannabis Prohibition


If you want to keep marijuana illegal because of the “kiddies”, then we should outlaw automobiles, alcohol, cigarettes and all prescription drugs because of the “potential” that children might use it or perceive a lower “risk profile” on any given topic.

Why “THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN” argument doesn’t Justify Cannabis Prohibition published first on