Manchester United players probed by taxman as HMRC opens investigations into at least two football stars

  • Manchester United stars investigated over alleged image rights tax dodges
  • The financial affairs of up to 200 players are under scrutiny and number may rise 
  • Investigations are into use of private companies to cut millions from tax bills

At least two Manchester United stars are being investigated by HMRC over alleged image rights tax dodges, as the taxman continues to open new cases against top footballers in the Premier League.

The financial affairs of up to 200 players are under scrutiny but sources say that number continues to rise.

They are being investigated for their use of private companies and a range of other legal schemes to cut millions from their tax bills.

At least two Manchester United stars are being investigated  over alleged image  tax dodges

At least two Manchester United stars are being investigated over alleged image tax dodges

Under an agreement reached in the 2014-15 season — first revealed by Sportsmail —clubs were told they can pay up to a fifth of their footballers' total pay packages to 'image rights' companies rather than as part of their wages.

The player avoids income tax on the money while clubs cut National Insurance contributions they pay.

There is no suggestion the United players were knowingly dodging tax. A source close to one of them — a household name on international duty over the past few days — confirmed HMRC are looking into him. The club and his agent declined to comment.

The number of players, clubs and agents being investigated has increased since the taxman revealed earlier this year that 100-plus players, 39 clubs and 13 agents were under investigation.

A HMRC spokesman said: 'We rigorously enforce the rules and tackle firmly anybody who games the system. Since 2014-15 we have delivered £269million in extra tax from tackling rule-breakers in the football industry generally.'

There is no suggestion the two Manchester United players were knowingly dodging tax

There is no suggestion the two Manchester United players were knowingly dodging tax

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