You express yourself via emoji all day long — why not let your breakfast get in on the fun?
Create perfectly circular silver dollar pancakes emblazoned with seven different expressions with the help of this smiley face pancake pan.
Don't take our word for it though. Amazon customer Roger said it best:
"I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "what am I going to do with silver dollar pancakes?" I'll tell you what you're going to do. You're going to make a whole batch of identical pancakes... Then, you're going to beat some eggs together, and use the pan again to make identical egg patties. Now, put the egg in between two pancakes, throw in some bacon and cheese, and you have yourself a home-made mcgriddle. You are welcome."
Available here for $24.99, this deal was too delicious not too share.
[buy_cta product-url="" product-store="Amazon" product-img="" product-name="Nordic Ware Smiley Face Pancake Pan"]