Peggy’s Point Lighthouse
Keep off the Rocks
Lighthouses exist to alert sailors of danger, but at Peggy’s Point Lighthouse, the warning signs are also for the tourists. All too often, visitors wanting a keepsake photo wander out too far on the rocks — where crashing waves pose a real hazard.

Smoke’s Poutinerie
Upscale or Down
Poutine is a snack found at countless greasy spoons, sometimes with chicken, sausage or bacon to turn it into a meal. Nowadays, you can also find more grandiose recipes that include foie gras and caviar. If you just want to try the basic blend, ask any Nova Scotia restaurant to “poutinize” your french fries.

Nooks and Crannies
Surf and Turf
Owners with waterfront homes in Nova Scotia rent them out during at least part of the summer season. With some planning, it is possible to have a Realtor find you a shoreside spot near an anchorage for your boat.

Argyle Street
Walkable Fun
Argyle Street in Halifax is scheduled to finish an upgrade right about the time you read this. Curbs and parking spots are being removed to enhance the pedestrian experience.