Home / Middle East / Jordan: Ministry Of Badmouthing Israel While Depending On Her For Survival Gets New Minister

Jordan: Ministry Of Badmouthing Israel While Depending On Her For Survival Gets New Minister

The urgency of the appointment increased over recent weeks.

flag of JordanAmman, August 9 – King Abdullah of Jordan approved the appointment today of a new chief for the Ministry of Badmouthing Israel While Depending on Her for Survival, sources in the Hashemite capital reported today.

A spokesman for the ministry told reporters that the king had completed his review of the candidates and accepted Alkulb Ligha ‘Iisnan as the new minister, ending a prolonged period during which the office sat without a head. The urgency of the appointment increased over recent weeks, amid tensions over security measures at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where Jordan holds some sway, and an incident at the Israeli embassy in Amman in which two Jordanians were shot and killed as one attempted to attack a security guard.

“We are happy to welcome Mr. ‘Iisnan,” announced the spokesman. “It has proved unusually difficult to perform our regular duties without a formal minister at the helm of the ministry. We look forward to a fruitful period of his leadership in badmouthing Israel while depending on her for our national survival.”

Jordan relies on Israeli military equipment and support in the fight against Islamist militants, on Israeli natural gas for its energy needs, on Israeli sources for its water needs, and on Israeli tourism for a chunk of its economic needs. Nevertheless, traditional Arab opposition to Jewish sovereignty in the reason, the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in the kingdom, and the sizable population of Jordan that identifies as Palestinian make it difficult for King Abdullah, like his father Hussein before him, to adopt an openly pro-Israel stance. The job of the Ministry of Badmouthing Israel While Depending on Her for Survival, established by Hussein in 1994, has been to coordinate anti-Israel propaganda efforts while cultivating behind-the-scenes diplomatic, economic, and military development that brings the two governments closer together.

Other Arab countries have similar government offices, explained Ityor Kekken-Havittou, a Middle East analyst. “Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia do more or less the same thing,” he noted. So does Turkey, though they aren’t Arab. But the biggest practitioner of the phenomenon is of course the Palestinian Authority, which would collapse without Israeli support of every kind. They have special departments in each government office to handle it, as opposed to the ther countries, where it’s more centralized.”

Kekken-Havittou added that even countries with no formal connection to Israel have established offices to badmouth Israel while depending on her for survival, such as Saudi Arabia and several other Gulf states, which often work clandestinely with Israel to foil Iran’s regional hegemony ambitions, while offering full-throated support for Palestinian terrorism against Israel.

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