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Research Interests:
Abstract Artazu VII palaeontological site (Arrasate, Gipuzkoa) is one of the few deposits in the Iberian Peninsula in which humans did not intervene in its formation as the site acted as a natural trap. The vertebrate remains recovered... more
Abstract Artazu VII palaeontological site (Arrasate, Gipuzkoa) is one of the few deposits in the Iberian Peninsula in which humans did not intervene in its formation as the site acted as a natural trap. The vertebrate remains recovered are in a very good state of preservation and display great biodiversity. The large mammal assemblage from Artazu VII is studied in detail in this paper. Fourteen different species are described, including ungulates and carnivores. Morphological and osteometric descriptions are also provided, as well as a morphological study of chamois and leopard compared with the same species of similar chronology both in the surroundings of the site and in the rest of the Iberian Peninsula. The existence of biases related to the form of the shaft is tested, as these might relativize the value of the remains as a representative proxy of the fauna in the early Late Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula. The palaeoecology inferred from this association indicates the existence of a woodland mass alternating with meadow biotope, and with a watercourse in the surrounding area.
We present a paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstruction based on microfaunal assemblages preserved at Lezetxiki II Cave (Arrasate, Basque Country, Iberian Peninsula) and synthesize previously published and new chronological work... more
We present a paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstruction based on microfaunal assemblages preserved at Lezetxiki II Cave (Arrasate, Basque Country, Iberian Peninsula) and synthesize previously published and new chronological work from the cave to better understand the environmental history of the region. The stratigraphic sequence of this short gallery ranges from the end of the middle Pleistocene to the middle Holocene and has great micropaleontological relevance for the Iberian Peninsula, especially because it contains the most ancient small vertebrate remains found in the Cantabrian region, likely deposited during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 7–6. Thirty-two small vertebrate taxa, including two extinct species, were identified. Environmental reconstruction based on small vertebrates suggests an open landscape at the base of the sequence (three lower levels) that progressively changed to woodland in the upper levels. Other paleoenvironmental data suggest a similar interpretation of the environmental history of the region, and although some uncertainty in the environmental reconstruction and chronology still exists, our data provide a richly detailed record of small vertebrates from an area that likely represented an important late Quaternary migration corridor for species traveling between the Iberian Peninsula and European continent.
Abstract Stable oxygen isotope ratios of mollusc shells (δ18Oshell) offer the possibility to reconstruct coastal resource exploitation patterns and changes in the oceanographic conditions of direct relevance to past human populations.... more
Abstract Stable oxygen isotope ratios of mollusc shells (δ18Oshell) offer the possibility to reconstruct coastal resource exploitation patterns and changes in the oceanographic conditions of direct relevance to past human populations. This method relies on the fact that shell carbonate is deposited by molluscs in equilibrium with their surrounding environment and actualistic investigation of modern specimens is needed to ensure that selected species can be used as accurate palaeoclimate indicators. The limpet Patella depressa Pennant, 1777 is one of the most common mollusc species found in Holocene archaeological assemblages along the Atlantic coast of Europe. However, this taxon has not, to date, been tested as a seawater palaeothermometer. Here, we explore the ability of P. depressa to be used as an environmental recorder in this littoral region, specifically in northern Iberia where we obtained live-collected specimens throughout the year. We undertook sclerochronological investigations combining observations of incremental shell growth patterns with δ18Oshell values. Carbonate samples were taken on (i) the ventral margins of shells collected alive year-round in order to test for isotopic equilibrium and (ii) along the axis of maximum shell growth of four modern specimens to decipher the shell growth pattern of this species. Isotopic data showed that calcium carbonate is precipitated in predictable isotopic disequilibrium with the ambient seawater (R2 = 0.95; p
The consideration of quartzite as a secondary raw material has relegated in-depth research of this raw material in favour of such other rocks as flint or obsidian. The latter two are the most researched raw materials because of the... more
The consideration of quartzite as a secondary raw material has relegated in-depth research of this raw material in favour of such other rocks as flint or obsidian. The latter two are the most researched raw materials because of the information derived from their study: long-distance transport of rocks and mobility of people. In contrast, information obtained from research into quartzite generally supported near-site procurement areas mainly related to secondary river deposits. Together with the wide range of rocks called quartzite by archaeologists, this has influenced the poverty of research on the second most-often used raw material during the Palaeolithic. To overcome this narrow perspective, it is necessary to put quartzite in the centre of the debate as a raw material, using an inductive proposal based on geoarchaeological methodologies. This issue is approached by the application of a geoarchaeological methodology that combines thin section analysis, stereomicroscope observati...
Lithic artefacts are a potential source of information for the study of handedness in different human species. In flint flakes, a system of fractures is developed (parabolic cracks) around the point of percussion in connection with the... more
Lithic artefacts are a potential source of information for the study of handedness in different human species. In flint flakes, a system of fractures is developed (parabolic cracks) around the point of percussion in connection with the cone of percussion and the conical fracture of the flint. The orientation of these fractures is linked to the direction of percussion, and therefore to the knapper's handedness. The archaeological remains from Levels III, IV, V and VI at Axlor (Bizkaia, Iberian Peninsula) are studied here in order to determine how well parabolic cracks are preserved in archaeological remains, and whether it is possible to study them if the remains are covered with a patina or damaged.
Iriarte-Chiapusso, M. J.; Yravedra Sainz de los Terreros, J.; David Álvarez-Alonso, D.; Alvarez-Fernández, E.; Aparicio, M. T.; Arrizabalaga, A.; Elorza, M.; Gabriel, S.; Jordá-Pardo, J. F.; Sesé, C. & Uzquiano, P. (2017): El... more
Iriarte-Chiapusso, M. J.; Yravedra Sainz de los Terreros, J.; David Álvarez-Alonso, D.; Alvarez-Fernández, E.; Aparicio, M. T.; Arrizabalaga, A.; Elorza, M.; Gabriel, S.; Jordá-Pardo, J. F.; Sesé, C. & Uzquiano, P. (2017): El contexto paleoambiental de las ocupaciones humanas de la cueva de Coímbre (Peñamellera Alta, Asturias) durante el Pleistoceno Superior. En: La Cueva de Coímbre (Peñamellera Alta, Asturias). Ocupaciones humanas en el valle del Cares durante el Paleolítico superior (Álvarez-Alonso, D. & Yravedra Sainz de los Terreros, J., Dirs.). Investigación y Mecenazgo. Fundación María Cristina Masaveu Peterson. Asturias: 526-535. Resumen: En este capítulo presentamos la síntesis paleoecológica y paleoambiental de la cueva de Coimbre obtenido a partir de las diferentes evidencias proporcionadas paleovegetales y paleofaunísticas y siguiendo los resultados de los estudios polínicos, antracológicas, macro- y micofaunísticos. Los resultados muestran un medio con paisajes abiertos y unas condiciones frías más o menos rigurosas según el momento bajo las cuales tuvieron lugar las ocupaciones humanas del Gravetiense y Magdaleniense inferior y medio. La secuencia arqueológica culmina con una fase más húmeda y una mayor diversidad del ecosistema durante el Magdaleniense superior. Palabras Clave: Pleistoceno superior, Cornisa Cantábrica, Paleoecología, Paleoambiente Abstract: In this chapter we offer a paleoecological and paleoenvironmental synthesis of the Coímbre cave using the evidence provided by plant and animal remains, as well as the results of the studies on pollen, wood charcoal, and microfauna. The result shows a milieu characterized by open landscapes and cold conditions of varying degrees of severity, depending on the time when the Gravettian and Lower and Middle Magdalenian human occupations took place. The archaeological sequence culminates in a more humid phase with a greater diversity of ecosystems during the Upper Magdalenian. Key Words: Upper Pleistocene, Cantabrian Mountains, Paleoecology, Paleoenvironment
espanolEn este capitulo resumimos las consideraciones obtenidas en el contexto de las nuevas campanas de excavacion en Bolinkoba. EuskaraAtal honetan, Bolinkobako indusketa ekinaldi berrietan lortutako informazioa laburbiltzen dugu.... more
espanolEn este capitulo resumimos las consideraciones obtenidas en el contexto de las nuevas campanas de excavacion en Bolinkoba. EuskaraAtal honetan, Bolinkobako indusketa ekinaldi berrietan lortutako informazioa laburbiltzen dugu. EnglishIn this chapter we summarize the information obtained during new excavation seasons in Bolinkoba
En la Arqueología paleolítica de la región cantábrica, a diferencia de lo que ha venido sucediendo con los periodos postpaleolíticos, el desarrollo a lo largo del último siglo ha atendido más a la esfera metodológica que al cuerpo teórico... more
En la Arqueología paleolítica de la región cantábrica, a diferencia de lo que ha venido sucediendo con los periodos postpaleolíticos, el desarrollo a lo largo del último siglo ha atendido más a la esfera metodológica que al cuerpo teórico de la disciplina (con las correspondientes salvedades). Los motivos para ello trascienden al marco cantábrico o peninsular, y entre ellos deberíamos anotar la escasez de referentes etnoarqueológicos para comprender a los grupos de cazadores-recolectores, la escala cronológica (para estas fases, de rango más geológico que histórico), el relativo bajo peso de las corrientes de investigación anglosajona o el asentamiento muy temprano de un estado de opinión que mimetizaba modelos importados del sur de Francia, sin demasiadas adaptaciones. En efecto, desde hace aproximadamente cien años nuestra visión del Paleolítico cantábrico se ha construido sobre la base de la excavación interdisciplinar en yacimientos bajo cueva, con secuencias más o menos prolongadas y la publicación de sus resultados en formato de monografías. Una tradición tan larga ha dado lugar al espejismo de continuidad en el hábitat y de establecimientos muy prolongados en el tiempo, casi estables, con un innegable impacto en el pensamiento. Si queremos avanzar en el conocimiento de aquellas sociedades, debemos superar estas inercias, abriendo la puerta a un nuevo marco teórico, con una visión más dinámica de la movilidad de los cazadores-recolectores, de su noción de territorialidad y de los constructos culturales a los que los pretendemos adscribir.

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Cave bear (Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller-Heinroth, 1794) are the most abundant taxon in the lower levels of many archaeological sites in Cantabrian Area. Through the scientific literature, archaeological levels have been consistently... more
Cave bear (Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller-Heinroth, 1794) are the most abundant taxon in the lower levels of many archaeological sites in Cantabrian Area. Through the scientific literature, archaeological levels have been consistently assigned to the different cultural periods, depending on the identified stone tools.
In this paper, we would like to contribute to the interpretation of these sequences, through the accurate analysis of their archaeozoological accumulations. By presenting three examples, Lezetxiki, Lezetxiki II and Astigarragako Kobea, we will try to bring new data to this problem. Archaeozoological analysis carried out at these three stratigraphical sequences, have shown the existence of intense bears (Ursus spelaeus deningeroide Mottle, 1964 and Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller-Heinroth, 1794) occupation and human groups ephemeral presence (through the presence of lithic implements), in the oldest levels (Lower Palaeolithic) stratigraphic series of the three cavities. Our aim is to present the preliminary archeozoological and taphonomic results of these three sequences.
El yacimiento pleistocénico de Lezetxiki se sitúa en la provincia de Gipuzkoa, en el País Vasco peninsular. El depósito ha sido objeto de numerosos intentos de datación mediante métodos alternativos. En efecto, resulta muy importante... more
El yacimiento pleistocénico de Lezetxiki se sitúa en la provincia de Gipuzkoa, en el País Vasco peninsular. El depósito ha sido objeto de numerosos intentos de datación mediante métodos alternativos. En efecto, resulta muy importante establecer un cuadro geocronológico para este yacimiento excepcional, en el que han sido localizados restos humanos fósiles asociados a elementos faunísticos e industrias humanas. En este artículo se presenta un estado de la cuestión acerca de las diferentes analíticas y estudios que se han aplicado en Lezetxiki, tanto geológicos y paleoambientales, como tecnotipológicos. Tras esta presentación pluridisciplinar, se procede a efectuar una recopilación exhaustiva de las dataciones efectuadas sobre diversos tipos de muestra y diferentes métodos radiométricos.

Le site pléistocène de Lezetxiki, dans la province de Gipuzkoa au Pays Basque, a fait l’objet de nombreuses tentatives de datation par différentes méthodes. Il est très important d’établir un cadre chronologique pour ce site majeur qui contient des restes humains associés à une faune et à une industrie lithique. Cet article fait le point sur l’état des recherches par la présentation des différentes disciplines qui ont été appliquées sur ce site, tant géologiques et paléoenvironnementales, que technotypologiques. Au-delà de cette présentation pluridisciplinaire, un bilan exhaustif des datations effectuées sur plusieurs types d’échantillons par différentes méthodes radiométriques est présenté.

The pleistocenic site of Lezetxiki is located in Gipuzkoa, in the iberian Basque Country. The deposit has been object of numerous datation essays, with alternative methods. Indeed, it is very important to establish a geochronological framework for this exceptional cave, in which fossil human remains are associated to many archeozoological rests and human industries. In this paper a state-of-the-question about
different analytics and studies that have been applied in Lezetxiki, either geologic and paleoenvironmentals or technotypologicals is presented. After this presentation, an exhaustive summary of the datations made on diverse sample types and different radiometric methods is done.

Lezetxikiko aztarnategi pleistozenikoa (Gipuzkoa, Euskal Herria) metodo desberdinen bitartez datatzeko zenbait saiakera burutu da. Aztarnategi honetako geokronologia argitzea oso garrantzitsua da, bertan aztarna arkeozoologiko eta litikoez gain giza hezur fosilak aurkitu bait dira. Artikulu honetan lekuari aplikatutako analisi guztien laburpena ematen dugu, bai Geologia, bai Paleoingurua, baita Teknotipologiari dagokionean ere. Ondoren, orain arte eginiko datazio guztien aurkezpena eta kritika egingo dugu, euskarri eta metodo desberdinen bitartez burutu direlarik.
... Cueva de Lezetxiki: XIV Campaña. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2009, 2009 , págs. 331-333. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
... Cueva de Lezetxiki (Arrasate): IX Campaña de excavaciones. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2004, 2004 , págs. 116-118. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de... more
... Cueva de Lezetxiki (Arrasate): IX Campaña de excavaciones. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2004, 2004 , págs. 116-118. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
... Cueva de Lezetxiki (Arrasate): VI Campaña. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2001, 2001 , págs. 121-123. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios... more
... Cueva de Lezetxiki (Arrasate): VI Campaña. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2001, 2001 , págs. 121-123. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
... | Ayuda. Cueva de Lezetxiki (Arrasate): V Campaña. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2000, 2000 , pags. 79-81. © 2001-2011 Universidad de La Rioja · Todos... more
... | Ayuda. Cueva de Lezetxiki (Arrasate): V Campaña. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2000, 2000 , pags. 79-81. © 2001-2011 Universidad de La Rioja · Todos los derechos reservados. ...
Research Interests:
... Irikaitz. Yacimiento paleolítico. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2008, 2008 , págs. 443-445. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
... Irikaitz. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2007, 2007 , págs. 395-397. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados... more
... Irikaitz. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2007, 2007 , págs. 395-397. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario. Contraseña. Entrar. Mi Dialnet ...
... Irikaitz (Zestoa): VIII campaña. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2005, 2005 , págs. 127-129. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
... | Ayuda. Irikaitz (Zestoa): VII Campaña de excavaciones. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2004, 2004 , pags. 136-139. © 2001-2011 Universidad de La Rioja... more
... | Ayuda. Irikaitz (Zestoa): VII Campaña de excavaciones. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2004, 2004 , pags. 136-139. © 2001-2011 Universidad de La Rioja · Todos los derechos reservados. ...
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Lower IX level from Labeko Koba and X level of Ekain have been considered relevant because their archaeological attribution to the Chatelperronian. Nevertheless the association of these archaeological evidences with complex faunal... more
Lower IX level from Labeko Koba and X level of Ekain have been considered relevant because their archaeological attribution to the Chatelperronian. Nevertheless the association of these archaeological evidences with complex faunal assemblages, characterized by the high presence of carnivores, requires a
detailed archaeozoological analysis in order to understand the real nature of human interaction in the site and thus asses the function of these occupations.
The Labeko Koba IX lower layer is an occupation of cave hyenas (Crocuta crocuta spelaea), where we can identify, through a taphonomic analysis that a part of the assemblage had anthropic origin. On the other hand, the level X of Ekain is an accumulation of remains of cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) associated with a small assemblage of lithic artifacts. The particularities of cave bear ethology during hibernation suggest that ursids were not the main accumulator of other species bones. In this paper, we wish to contribute to a better understanding of human presence in these sites during the Chatelperronian, by comparing the results produced by the Archaeozoology and the Lithic Techno-tipology. Grace to this interdisciplinary study it has been possible to identify, in both levels, the role played by carnivores and humans in faunal remain accumulation and thus characterize the impact
and nature of human presence in both sites. This paper could be a contribution for understanding the coevolution of humans and carnivores in caves of the southwestern Europe during the early Upper Palaeolithic.
... Cueva de Artazu II (Arrasate): V campaña. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2005, 2005 , págs. 423-426. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados.... more
... Cueva de Artazu II (Arrasate): V campaña. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2005, 2005 , págs. 423-426. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
... Cueva de Artazu Ii (Arrasate): IV Campaña de excavaciones. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2004, 2004 , págs. 383-386. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de... more
... Cueva de Artazu Ii (Arrasate): IV Campaña de excavaciones. Autores: Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena; Localización: Arkeoikuska: Investigación arqueológica, ISSN 0213-8921, Nº. 2004, 2004 , págs. 383-386. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...
Resumen: El yacimiento arqueológico de Ametzagaina fue descubierto de manera fortuita durante el año 2005. Desde entonces, dos han sido las actuaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en este depósito al aire libre, situado en el entorno... more
Resumen: El yacimiento arqueológico de Ametzagaina fue descubierto de manera fortuita durante el año 2005. Desde entonces, dos han sido las actuaciones arqueológicas llevadas a
cabo en este depósito al aire libre, situado en el entorno urbano de Donostia; en la primera (2006-2007), se practicaron diversas recogidas de material en el lugar, así como varios sondeos, cuyos resultados confluyeron en una publicación preliminar, tanto del conjunto lítico recuperado, como de la secuencia polínica documentada (Tapia et al., 2009). En la segunda, fueron
efectuados nuevos sondeos, así como nuevas recogidas superficiales. Tras el estudio del conjunto de evidencias recuperadas, todo apunta hacia un establecimiento de época gravetiense, con una muy deficiente conservación de los materiales orgánicos y de la secuencia estratigráfica, sólo respetada en un mínimo relicto debido a excepcionales circunstancias.
Palabras clave: Paleolítico superior, Gravetiense, industria lítica, campamento, aire libre.
Abstract: The archaeological site of Ametzagaina was discovered by chance in 2005. Since then, two archaeological interventions have been conducted at this open air deposit, located in the
urban area of San Sebastian; in the first one (2006-2007), some collections of lithics were practiced on the site, as well as several sondages, whose results converged in a preliminary publication,
both of the lithic assemblage recovered, like of the pollen sequence documented (Tapia et al., 2009). In the second, new sondages were made, as well as new surface collections.
Following consideration of all evidence recovered, everything points toward a Gravettian campsite, with a very bad preservation of organic materials and the stratigraphic sequence, only saved
in a minimum area (because of very special circumstances).
Keywords: Upper Palaeolithic, Gravettian, lithic industry, settlement, open air."
En este trabajo se describen diversos restos líticos localizados en el monte Jaizkibel, en las proximidades del yacimiento de Higer, publicado por J.M.MERINO en 1986. Destaca un bifaz cordiforme sobre sílex, con una arista muy... more
En este trabajo se describen diversos restos líticos localizados en el monte Jaizkibel, en las proximidades del yacimiento de Higer, publicado por J.M.MERINO en 1986. Destaca un bifaz cordiforme sobre sílex, con una arista muy equilibrada. El conjunto se adscribe, provisionalmente
y con las debidas precauciones, a un Musteriense genérico.

Dans ce travail on décrit plusiers restes lithiques trouvés au Mont Jaizkibel, dans le voisinage du gisement de Higer. publié par MERINO en 1986. Parmi eux se détache un biface cordiforme sur silex, à arête très équilibré. L'ensemble s'attribue, provisoirement et avec les précautions pertinentes, à un Moustérien générique.

Lan honetan Jaizkibel mendian aurkitutako harrizko aztarna batzuk deskribatzen dira. MERINOk 1986an argitaratu zuen Higer aztarnategiaren ondoan topatu ziren. Aztarnen artean garrantzitsuena erregulartasun handiko sorbatza duen aurpegibiko kordiforme hau dugu. Gure ustezko behin-behineko kokapen kronologikoa Moustier aldi zehatzgaitz batetan dago.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
The cave of Coímbre contains an important archaeological deposit divided into two different zones, of which most of the excavations carried out to date have taken place in Zone B. Coímbre B displays a full and very interesting Magdalenian... more
The cave of Coímbre contains an important archaeological deposit divided into two different zones, of which most of the excavations carried out to date have taken place in Zone B. Coímbre B displays a full and very interesting Magdalenian sequence (with Lower, Middle and Upper Magdalenian levels), in addition to a Gravettian layer. The excavations were performed from 2008 to 2012. The hunter-gatherers
who lived in Coímbre in the Upper Palaeolithic made use of several adaptation strategies allowing them to exploit all the abiotic and animal resources the environment afforded them. In this way, the faunal assemblage includes remains of ibex and chamois, associated with the mountains and crags in the immediate surroundings of the site, and also red deer, roe deer, aurochs and horses, indicating the exploitation of the animal resources living in the Besnes valley, at the foot of Sierra del Cuera. When the faunal remains in the Magdalenian levels, and those in the Gravettian layer, are analysed in greater detail, significant differences indicate a differential use of the terrain. Thus, in the Gravettian, the
preferential hunting of aurochs and red deer suggests the valleys in the vicinity were exploited while steeper and more mountainous areas were visited less. In contrast, in the Magdalenian, the most common faunal remains belong to ibex, which was the most hunted species. Together with ibex, chamois is also very common, whereas bovids are found in very small numbers in the Magdalenian levels. These
patterns reflect a change in the hunting behaviour of the occupants of the cave, in which the hunting of valley resources was transformed into a more intensive use of animals in more rugged areas, such as ibex and chamois. This paper presents the preliminary results of the study of Magdalenian occupations in Coímbre, following the excavations in Zone B, one of the most important places of Magdalenian human activities in Western Cantabria (northern Iberia).
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
En el presente estudio se describen 150 buriles sobre truncadura. 106 de los cuales se incluyen en el concepto de buriles de Noailles. La muestra es más reducida que otros estudios clásicos sobre el mismo tema (DEMARS, P.Y., 1973 o... more
En el presente estudio se describen 150 buriles sobre truncadura. 106 de los cuales se incluyen en el concepto de buriles de Noailles. La muestra es más reducida que otros estudios clásicos sobre el mismo tema (DEMARS, P.Y., 1973 o DJINJIAN, F., 1977), por lo que nuestro objetivo para este trabajo será doble: de un lado, estudiar en sus variables una colección de buriles de Noailles próxima a nosotros, para
verificar los elementos que individualizan el tipo (si éstos existen); de otro, establecer los factores de variabilidad de esta modalidad de buriles (de orden tipométrico, técnico o morfológico). A la vista de los resultados, resulta de interés incluir la adscripción del útil a la categoría empírica "Buril de Noailles" (entendida como asociación de determinados caracteres) en el curso de su descripción analítica. No entra
dentro de los objetivos de este trabajo valorar su posible valor como indicador cultural-cronológico, discutible por otra parte.

Dans cette étude on décrit 150 burins sur troncature, 106 desquels sont inclus dans le concept de "Burin de Noailles". L'échantillon est plus réduit que d'autres études classiques sur le même sujet (DEMARS, P.Y., 1973 ou DJINJIAN, F., 1977), c'est pourquoi notre objectif pour ce travail aura deux sens: d'un côté, étudier dans ses variables une colection de burins de Noailles proche de nous, pour verifier les éléments qui individualisent le type (si ceux-ci existent); de l'autre côté, établir les facteurs de variabilité de cette modalité de burins (d'ordre typométrique, technique ou morfologique). A la vue des résultats, il est interéssant d'ajouter l'attribution de l'outil à la categorie empirique "Burin de Noailles" (comprise comme association de caractères déterminés) au cours de sa description analytique. Il n'entre pas dans les objectifs de ce travail celui d'évaluer sa possible valeur comme indicateur culturel.

Ehun ta berrogeitamar zulakaitz deskribatzen ditugu lan honetan, tartean ehun ta sei "Noailles" moetatakoak direlarik. Beste ikerketa klasikotan (DEMARS, P.Y.,1973; DJINJIAN, F.,1977) baino txikiago da aztertutako multzoa, eta hau dela eta, gure helburua bikoitza izango da: alde batetik, gure inguruko Noailles zulakaitz multzo bat aztertzea bere ezaugarritan, tresna hau, berez, benetako mami tipologikoa duen egiaztatzeko; bestaldetik, euren bariabilitatean sartzen diren faktore guztiak (tipologia, tipometria, teknika edo eitearen aldetik) eztabaidatzea. Ondorioak aurrean ditugularik, zulakaitz bat deskribatzen dugunean bide analitiko batez. "Noailles" moetakoa dela kontutan hartzearen
aholkua ematen da. Noailles-zulakaitzaren balio kronologiko edo kulturala ez dugu sartu lan honen helburuen artean.
El yacimiento arqueológico de Bolinkoba se ubica en una pequeña cavidad situada en el monte Unzillatz (Abadiño, Bizkaia). José Miguel de Barandiarán y Telesforo de Aranzadi excavaron esta cueva entre 1932 y 1933. Diversas circunstancias,... more
El yacimiento arqueológico de Bolinkoba se ubica en una pequeña cavidad situada en el monte Unzillatz (Abadiño, Bizkaia). José Miguel de Barandiarán y Telesforo de Aranzadi
excavaron esta cueva entre 1932 y 1933. Diversas circunstancias, como la Guerra Civil y el exilio de José Miguel de Barandiarán, retrasaron la publicación de la memoria de excavación hasta 1950. La secuencia estratigráfica de Bolinkoba comprende diversos niveles del Paleolítico superior (Gravetiense, Solutrense, Magdaleniense inferior, Magdaleniense final-Aziliense). Varios aspectos como la importancia del registro arqueológico de Bolinkoba, la ausencia de analíticas que no existían en el momento de su excavación (Cronología absoluta,
Sedimentología, Micromorfología, Paleobotánica, etc.) o el largo periodo de tiempo que la cavidad ha estado sin un seguimiento de su estado de conservación, nos ha llevado a iniciar un
proyecto de investigación (junto con la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia) desde 2008. La finalidad es conseguir una correcta perspectiva sobre la evolución cronoestratigráfica del yacimiento,
incluyendo resultados sobre el entorno medioambiental y la formación del depósito. Por un lado, estamos trabajando con el material y la información disponible de la excavación del siglo
pasado, y por otro, centramos nuestra actual actuación arqueológica en el exiguo testigo estratigráfico conservado y en delimitar la posible presencia de otras áreas con sedimento inalterado.
Palabras clave: Cueva, Paleolítico, Historiografía, Gravetiense.
Abstract: The archaeological site of Bolinkoba is located in a small cavity in the mount Unzillatz (Abadiño, Bizkaia). José Miguel de Barandiaran and Telesforo Aranzadi excavated this cave
between 1932 and 1933. Various circumstances, such as Spanish Civil War and the exile of Jose Miguel de Barandiaran, delayed the publication of the excavation report until 1950. The stratigraphic
sequence includes different layers of the Upper Palaeolithic (Gravettian, Solutrean, lower magdalenian, Final Magdalenian, Azilian). Various aspects like the importance of Bolinkoba archaeological record, the absence of analytical not existing at the time of excavation (absolute Chronology, Sedimentology,
Micromorphology, Paleobotany, etc.) or the long period of time that the cavity has been without a monitoring of its condition, has led us to initiate a research project (together with the
Provincial Council of Bizkaia) since 2008. The aim is to get a proper perspective on stratigraphic evolution of the site, including results on the surrounding environment and the formation
of the deposit. On the one hand, we are working with the material and information available from the excavation of the last century, and secondly, we focus our current performance in the
preserved stratigraphic section and the possible presence of other areas with sediment in primary position.
Keywords: Cave, Palaeolithic, Historiography, Gravettian.
This text explains briefly the historiographical reasons for the territorial models applied since the mid-twentieth century to the Palaeolithic in Iberia oecumene still continue to distort our vision. The classic paradigm of living during... more
This text explains briefly the historiographical reasons for the territorial models applied since the mid-twentieth century to the Palaeolithic in Iberia oecumene still continue to distort our vision. The classic paradigm of living during the Upper Palaeolithic in a cavity located at low altitude has been replicated, although evidence proving their failure accumulate. The last fifteen years have provided a more plausible view of this scenario, but the authors miss a deep reflection on the employed concept of territoriality. We consider the lack of archaeological visibility is sometimes less related to the absence of database information, but with the epistemological filters under which we examined the record.

Este breve texto explica, en clave historiográfica, los motivos por los cuales los modelos territoriales aplicados desde mediados del siglo XX a la ecúmene paleolítica en la Península Ibérica continúan aún distorsionando nuestra visión. El paradigma del hábitat durante el Paleolítico superior en una cavidad situada a baja altitud se ha ido replicando, aunque se acumulan pruebas que acreditan su insuficiencia. Los últimos quince años han proporcionado una visión más verosímil de este escenario, pero los autores echan en falta una reflexión profunda acerca del concepto de territorialidad empleado. Consideran que la falta de visibilidad arqueológica no está a veces relacionada con la ausencia de información de partida, sino con los filtros epistemológicos bajo los que examinamos el registro.
Research Interests:
Coímbre cave is located in Besnes (Peñamellera Alta, Asturias), in the center of northern Iberia, a few kilometers from the modern shoreline. Although the cave is found in a mountain and slope area -at the edge of the Cuera hillsides, in... more
Coímbre cave is located in Besnes (Peñamellera Alta, Asturias), in the center of northern Iberia, a few kilometers from the modern shoreline. Although the cave is found in a mountain and slope area -at the edge of the Cuera hillsides, in the northern foothills of the Picos de Europa massif-, there is a large succession of short valleys nearby, with irregular relief and some open spaces about 7-8 km from the confluence of Cares and Deva rivers in the Panes area.
This site has been known since 1971, when a series of parietal engravings attributed to the initial and recent Magdalenian were discovered, as well as a large archaeological deposit, although this was not excavated (Moure and Gil, 1974; Álvarez-Alonso et al., 2014). However, from 2008 to 2012 the present team has excavated a total surface area of 4m2 in the innermost part of the main chamber -called Zone B-, which has yielded an interesting full Magdalenian sequence in addition to a Gravettian level, which is presented here (Álvarez Alonso et al., 2009, 2013, 2015; Yravedra et al., 2016). The Co.B.6 level of Coímbre has been dated between 29.660 and 28.560 Cal BP, coinciding with the warm event of the Greenland Interstadial 4, in one of the warm phases of the MIS3a.
Coímbre’s Gravettian and Magdalenian occupations differ widely, mainly concerning the space occupation and management and the resources catchment patterns. Thus, during the Gravettian can be appreciated a dominant local procurement with an important dependence on the closest lithic raw materials -mainly quartzites-, as well as a low technical requirements and a great immediacy in the management of the different chaînes opératoires. In contrast, related to the hunted faunas the Gravettian groups were not limited to the most abundant species in the immediate environment -considering the mountainous area- as happened during the Magdalenian, where Coímbre highlighted as an ibex’s kill-site. In this way, in the Co.B.6 level, the identified fauna includes large species like Bos/Bison, Equus ferus and Cervus elaphus, but also Capra pyrenaica.
Considering these features and the results of the spatial analysis (GIS) of the economic territory and the subsistential mobility, we can interpret this such as a sporadic occupation, which responds to a high degree of immediacy, probably within an east-west high mobility context. The palaeobotanical data and the use of bone as fuel (Yravedra et al., 2016), underpin this hypothesis.
Due to its large and varied archaeological record, Coímbre is one of the most outstanding sites to study the characteristics of Gravettian human occupations in one of the most western ends of the expansion of this technocomplex on the European continent.

Álvarez Alonso, D., Yravedra, J., Arrizabalaga, A., Jordá Pardo, J., Heredia, N., 2009. La cueva de Coímbre (Peñamellera Alta, Asturias, España): su yacimiento arqueológico y su santuario rupestre. Un estado de la cuestión en 2008. Munibe 60, 139-155
Álvarez Alonso, D., Yravedra, J., Arrizabalaga, A., Jordá, J. F., 2013. Excavaciones arqueológicas en la cueva de Coímbre (Besnes, Peñamellera Alta). Cam¬pañas 2008-2012, In: Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Asturias 2007-2012, Asturias, pp. 109-120.
Álvarez Alonso, D., Yravedra, J., Andrés Herrero, M. de., Arrizabalaga, A., García Díez, M., Garrido, D., Jordá Pardo, J. F., 2014. La cueva de Coímbre (Asturias, España): artistas y cazadores durante el Magdaleniense en la región cantábrica. In: Corchón, Mª S. and Menéndez Fernández, M. (Eds.), Cien Años de arte rupestre paleolítico. Centenario del descubrimiento de la cueva de la Peña de Candamo (1914-2014). Acta salmanticensia. Estudios históricos y geográficos 106, pp. 101-108.
Research Interests:
Two have been mainly the circumstances that have change in recent decades our knowledge about the Gravettian in the Basque Country: the development of the analysis of lithic raw materials (Tarriño et al. 2015) and the discovery of an... more
Two have been mainly the circumstances that have change in recent decades our knowledge about the Gravettian in the Basque Country: the development of the analysis of lithic raw materials (Tarriño et al. 2015) and the discovery of an important set of open-air sites (Arrizabalaga e Iriarte 2011). These developments have opened new perspectives in the research, allowing us to explore in more detail the “economic territories” -beyond the classic "cultural territories"- and their exploitation strategies, as well as the raw materials management patterns (Calvo et al. 2015).
These new studies have also revealed a new vision of this territory, traditionally seen as a mere appendage of the great sets of the Pyrenean and/or Cantabrian Gravettian (Foucher et al. 2008). Thus, today this territory stands out as an important crossroads that connects these two major economic and cultural areas. In this sense, the data provided by the raw materials reveal an enormous economic territory, vertebrated through the natural passage of Txingudi’s corridor, whose boundaries extend at least from the flint outcrops of Flysch Kurtzia to west, the Pyrenean Flysch to east, those of Chalosse to north and Treviño outcrops to south.
The exploitation of this territory is more complex than previously expected (e.g. Barandiaran y Cava 2008). On the one hand, the constant transit of raw materials follows a SW-NE axis, in so far as the sites of the southern slope of the Pyrenees are feed on large amounts of flint types from the north and vice versa. On the other, the new sites reveal the existence of a consistent network of open-air settlements, especially relevant in times of climatic bonanza (Iriarte-Chiapusso et al. 2016). Finally, the differential management observed between some flint types draws a really vast and complex "economic picture" in relation to the organization and exploitation of the territory and its resources (Arrizabalaga et al. 2014).

Arrizabalaga, A., Calvo, A., Elorrieta, I., Tapia, J., Tarriño, A. 2014. Where to and What for? Mobility patterns and the management of lithic resources by Gravettian hunter-gatherers in the Western Pyrenees. Journal of Anthropologial Research 70, 233-261.
Arrizabalaga, A., Iriarte-Chipausso, M. J. 2011. Les gisements archéologiques gravettiens de plein air dans le Pays Basque péninsulaire: un phénomène émergent. In: Goutas, N., Klaric, L., Guillermin, P. and Pessese, D. (Eds.), À la recherche des identités gravettiens: actualités, questionnements et perspectives, Mémoire LII de la Société Préhistorique Française, Paris, pp. 197-206.
Barandiaran, I., Cava, A. 2008. Identificaciones del Gravetiense en las estribaciones occidentales del Pirineo: modelos de ocupación y uso. Trabajos de Prehistoria 65(1), 13-28.
Calvo, A., Bradtmöller, M., Martínez, L., Arrizabalaga, A. 2015. Lithic cultural variability during the Gravettian in the Cantabrian Region and the western Pyrenees: State of the art. Quaternary International (2015).
Foucher, P., San Juan-Foucher, C., Sacchi, D., Arrizabalaga, A. 2008. Le Gravettien des Pyrénées. PALEO 20, 331-356.
Iriarte-Chipausso, M. J., García-Ibaibarriaga, N., Arrizabalaga, A. 2016. The contribution of open-air sites to the environmental reconstruction of the Gravettian at the “Basque Crossroads” (North Iberia). Quaternary International (2016).
Tarriño, A., Elorrieta, I., García-Rojas, M. 2015. Flint as raw material in prehistoric times: Cantabrian Mountain and Western Pyrenees data. Quaternary International 364, 94-108.
Research Interests:
Bone retouchers have recently been the subject of numerous studies examining them from different points of view and in various chronological and geographic contexts. However, the study of these tools has rarely been carried out in... more
Bone retouchers have recently been the subject of numerous studies examining them from different points of view and in various chronological and geographic contexts. However, the study of these tools has rarely been carried out in conjunction with data from lithic typology and technology studies and archaeozoological research, in order to understand the context in which retouchers were made and used. In this presentation we would like to examine the technological and functional aspects of the retouchers recovered in the Proto-Aurignacian and the Early Aurignacian layers of Labeko Koba (Basque Country, Spain). Our study shows that the retouchers of these two techno-complexes share several features but also some differences. One of the topics often discussed is the use of retouchers – and a possible function in the pressure knapping of prismatic cores – Proto-Aurignacian - and endscraper cores  - Early Aurignacian - is proposed here. The exploitation of bones in the Early Upper Palaeolithic (EUP) layers at Labeko Koba, represented mainly by retouchers, cannot be regarded as complex. This behaviour is part of a technical tradition that has its roots in the Middle Palaeolithic.
Research Interests:
Transformations of behavioral patterns in past hunter-gatherer societies constitute major historical events. Environmental deterministic explanations of those changes underestimate different capacities of hunter-gatherer societies to deal... more
Transformations of behavioral patterns in past hunter-gatherer societies constitute major historical events. Environmental deterministic explanations of those changes underestimate different capacities of hunter-gatherer societies to deal with alterations of environmental conditions. By using an agent based model of ideal-typical hunter-gatherers, the here proposed paper illustrates first how the concept of adaptive cycles can be beneficial for understanding of behavioral transformations among hunter-gatherers. Based on a theoretical model emphasizing interdependences between behavioral strategies like mobility and cooperation, the specifics of adaptation processes among hunter-gatherers and resilience of behavioral ‘systems’ are analyzed. Especially relevant for the degree of resilience are adaptation processes directing towards an increasing specialization. Specialization may in some cases support system’s resilience. Usually, however, specialization is assumed to reduce the behavioral flexibility that is believed to have a positive effect on resilience. In such cases a trend of specialization can actually increase the vulnerability and therefore the probability of a behavioral system’s collapse and the subsequent need to reorganize into a new effective one.
To demonstrate the practicability of the described model for archaeological research, the model is tested furthermore for the case of Pleistocene hunter-gatherers in Northern Spain who show a number of considerable changes in behavioral patterns. With limited success, it has been attempted to explain these processes of changes by models like the Repeated Replacement Model (see Bradtmoeller et al. 2012 and Schmidt et al.2012). Turning to the resilience of the observable behavioral systems provides here a promising alternative.
Research Interests:
The cave of Lezetxiki (Arrasate) has been excavated in two series of seasons. Between 1956 and 1968, José Miguel de Barandiarán, together with a number of collaborators, excavated a large area of the deposit (some 100m2), and since 1996 a... more
The cave of Lezetxiki (Arrasate) has been excavated in two
series of seasons. Between 1956 and 1968, José Miguel
de Barandiarán, together with a number of collaborators,
excavated a large area of the deposit (some 100m2), and
since 1996 a new series of fieldwork has been carried
out under the direction of Alvaro Arrizabalaga, in a much
smaller area. Owing to the taphonomic circumstances
of this deposit, the difficulties in obtaining a consistent
geochronological framework for it, and the complex nature
of the lithic assemblage, great confusion has arisen
about the stratigraphic units that should be included in a
discussion about the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition
at Lezetxiki. Strictly speaking, the only level that can
be attributed to this period is Level III, which is sub-divided
into IIIa and IIIb, separated by an erosional contact.
Sublevel IIIa, with abundant industrial remains, is dated
in the Aurignacian, whereas Sublevel IIIB, in which hardly
any lithic industry or remains of fauna associated with
human activity were found, corresponds to a very late
phase of the Mousterian. As a result of the circumstances
in the initial series of excavations, mixing of some materials
between the two sublevels may have taken place,
although their original differentiation was made by José
Miguel de Barandiarán, and these possible cases should
be regarded as few in number.
El presente volumen recoge la mayoría de las comunicaciones presentadas en la sesión A6b del Congreso de la UISPP, que tuvo lugar en Burgos, en septiembre de 2014. Bajo el título The management of resources and territories in the Pyrenees... more
El presente volumen recoge la mayoría de las comunicaciones presentadas en la sesión A6b del Congreso de la UISPP, que tuvo lugar en Burgos, en septiembre de 2014. Bajo el título The management of resources and territories in the Pyrenees from the earliest human occupation to the end of the Protohistory. A behavioural perspective, la reunión fue organizada conjuntamente por la Red Temática de la CTP PalmesoPyr y la Comisión VI “HOME” -Human Occupations in Mountain Environments- de la UISPP  .

La sesión se organizó en tres secciones diferenciadas: una primera dedicada a la caracterización técnica y metodológica de los materiales líticos (seis comunicaciones), a la que siguieron otras dos ordenadas cronológicamente. En éstas se presentaron aspectos generales del comportamiento de las sociedades pirenaicas relacionadas con la gestión de los diversos recursos naturales durante el Pleistoceno (cinco comunicaciones) y el Holoceno (ocho comunicaciones).

Tanto la sesión científica dedicada al análisis de los recursos explotados por las sociedades prehistóricas, como la presente publicación en Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia, representan parte de los resultados de sendas Redes Temáticas consecutivas, financiadas por la Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pirineos entre 2011 y 2014: PrehistoPyr (CTP 2010-0008) y PalMesoPyr (CTP 2012-0008). Ambas redes conectaron las investigaciones de distintos laboratorios universitarios (Barcelona, País Vasco, Zaragoza, Toulouse-Le Mirail, Bordeaux I y Perpignan) y centros de investigación (Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi, Fundació Marcel Chevalier), de una y otra vertiente de los Pirineos.

Entre las 19 comunicaciones presentadas en la Sesión A6b, el presente volumen recoge doce aportaciones, que cubren todos los territorios pirenaicos implicados en las mencionadas redes temáticas, tanto en su vertiente norte (regiones de Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénees y Languedoc-Roussillon), como en la sur (Comunidades Autónomas del País Vasco, Navarra, Aragón, Catalunya), además de Andorra. El espectro cronológico cubierto resulta amplio y las características ecológicas y culturales atendidas, diversas.
Authors:D. Álvarez-Alonso, J. Yravedra, A. Arrizabalaga, J. F. Jordá, E. Álvarez-Fernández, M. de Andrés-Herrero, M. Elorza, S. Gabriel, García-Díez, D. Garrido, M. M. J. Iriarte, J. Rojo, C. Sesé, P. Uzquiano, T. Aparicio, M.... more
Authors:D. Álvarez-Alonso, J. Yravedra, A. Arrizabalaga, J. F. Jordá, E. Álvarez-Fernández, M. de Andrés-Herrero, M. Elorza, S. Gabriel, García-Díez, D. Garrido, M. M. J. Iriarte, J. Rojo, C. Sesé, P. Uzquiano, T. Aparicio, M. Arriolabengoa, A. Calvo, P. Carral, R. Domingo, I. Elorrieta, V. Estaca, O. Fuente, M. García, E. García, E. Iriarte Avilés, P. López, M. Meléndez, J. Tapia, A. Tarriño, G. J. Trancho, A. M. Valles, M de Andrés-Chain, D. Ballesteros, D. Cabanes, A. Moreno, D. Rodrigo & R. Obeso

Coímbre cave (142 meters asl) is located on the southwestern slope of Mount Pendendo (529 m), in the small valley of Besnes river, tributary of Cares river, in a medium-higher mountain are in the central-western Cantabria –northern Iberian Peninsula- (Álvarez-Alonso et al., 2009; 2013b). The landscape in the surroundings of the cave –situated in an interior valley but near to the current coast in a low altitude- can be described as a mountainous environment where valleys, small hills and steep mountains with high slopes are integrated, which confer a relative variety of ecosystems to this area. Coímbre contains an important archaeological site divided in two different areas. B Area, is the farthest from the entrance, and is the place where took place the excavations carried out to date, between 2008 and 2012 (Álvarez-Alonso et al., 2009, 2011, 2013a, 2013b).
Coímbre B shows a complete and very interesting Magdalenian sequence (with Lower, Middle and Upper Magdalenian levels), and a gravettian level, that converts this cave in one of the biggest habitat areas in western Cantabria. Its rich set of bone industries, mobiliar art and ornaments, provide key information that shows the connections between this area, the Pyrenees and the south-west of Aquitaine.
Moreover, Coímbre cave presents an interesting set of Magdalenian engravings, locatedin different places of the cavity, both in open and accessible areas, and in narrower and inaccessible places, which clearly define two different symbolic spaces. All this artistic expressions belong to the Magdalenian, and it is possible to establish a division between a set of engravings framed in the first stages of this period (the most abundant and remote); and a more limited set of engravings, in which stand out a block with a engraving of a bison with a deep trace of more than one meter long, that belongs to the recent Magdalenian.
This work presents the preliminary results of the analysis of Magdalenian occupations in Coímbre, after the end of the excavations in B Area, and the study of its rock art, shaping this site as one of the most important places of Magdalenian human activities in western Cantabria.
Late Pleistocene palaeontological sites without human intervention are limited in theCantabrian region, and even more so those with a good state of preservation and rich bio-diversity. A new vertebrate fossiliferous locality discovered at... more
Late Pleistocene palaeontological sites without human intervention are limited in theCantabrian region, and even more so those with a good state of preservation and rich bio-diversity. A new vertebrate fossiliferous locality discovered at Kobate Quarry (Arrasate,northern Iberian Peninsula) is presented in this article. This site, in which remains of 40different vertebrate taxa were accumulated, acted as a natural trap. The preliminary ver-tebrate faunal list includes five amphibian taxa, four reptiles, seven species of birds and 24mammalian taxa. While small mammals are represented by 13 small mammal taxa (sevenin the Order Rodentia, five in the Order Eulipotyphla, and one in the Order Chiroptera),the large mammal fauna comprises eleven species, including ungulates and carnivores. Thepalaeoecology inferred from this faunal assemblage suggests the existence of large forestedareas with some grassland and a watercourse nearby, within a notably warm and humidclimate. These palaeoenvironmental conditions, combined with AMS and AAR results car-ried out in macrofaunal bone samples, suggest that the deposit from Artazu VII would belocated in the first half of the Late Pleistocene, in the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5c.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
En la Arqueología paleolítica de la región cantábrica, a diferencia de lo que ha venido sucediendo con los periodos postpaleolíticos, el desarrollo a lo largo del último siglo ha atendido más a la esfera metodológica que al cuerpo teórico... more
En la Arqueología paleolítica de la región cantábrica, a diferencia de lo que ha venido sucediendo con los periodos postpaleolíticos, el desarrollo a lo largo del último siglo ha atendido más a la esfera metodológica que al cuerpo teórico de la disciplina (con las correspondientes salvedades). Los motivos para ello trascienden al marco cantábrico o peninsular, y entre ellos deberíamos anotar la escasez de referentes etnoarqueológicos para comprender a los grupos de cazadores-recolectores, la escala cronológica (para estas fases, de rango más geológico que histórico), el relativo bajo peso de las corrientes de investigación anglosajona o el asentamiento muy temprano de un estado de opinión que mimetizaba modelos importados del sur de Francia, sin demasiadas adaptaciones. En efecto, desde hace aproximadamente cien años nuestra visión del Paleolítico cantábrico se ha construido sobre la base de la excavación interdisciplinar en yacimientos bajo cueva, con secuencias más o menos prolongadas y la publicación de sus resultados en formato de monografías. Una tradición tan larga ha dado lugar al espejismo de continuidad en el hábitat y de establecimientos muy prolongados en el tiempo, casi estables, con un innegable impacto en el pensamiento. Si queremos avanzar en el conocimiento de aquellas sociedades, debemos superar estas inercias, abriendo la puerta a un nuevo marco teórico, con una visión más dinámica de la movilidad de los cazadores-recolectores, de su noción de territorialidad y de los constructos culturales a los que los pretendemos adscribir.
Research Interests:
En este capítulo resumimos las consideraciones obtenidas en el contexto de las nuevas campañas de excavación en Bolinkoba