Motherwell assistant manager Keith Lasley has backed the idea of shutting the transfer window in Scotland before the season starts, admitting that he still fears his top players may be prized from Fir Park.
The likes of striker Louis Moult and young midfielder Chris Cadden have drawn admiring glances from other clubs, although as yet, no bids to Motherwell’s satisfaction.
Now on the coaching side of the game, Lasley isn’t enjoying the fact that his squad members could yet be unsettled by interest from elsewhere, or worse still, sold while the season has gotten underway.
The idea has been mooted in England for the Premier League to consider shutting the transfer window as soon as the season starts, and it is a road that Lasley believes Scotland should follow.
“I’ve heard the idea down south where they are talking about shutting the transfer window before the start of the season, and to me, it is a fantastic idea,” Lasley said.
“It’s the way it should be to be perfectly honest. The idea that you are into your season and there is still the possibility of losing players is difficult.
“Yes, you can still bring players in as well, but I think it would be nice to do your business in the summer and then start your season with your squad. Then you know what players you have to work with.
“That’s not the way it is at the moment, so we just have to deal with it by taking the phones off the hook and the computers out the wall.
“At our club, we know that it is a sign that we are doing ok if players are attracting interest. If a bid comes in, it will be dealt with accordingly, but that hasn’t happened as yet in terms of acceptable bids coming in.
“Until then, the players are all professionals and they prepare properly to give their all for the club. As a management team, that’s all we ask for, regardless of transfer speculation.”
Lasley was surprised to hear that two of Motherwell’s three red card appeals were dismissed yesterday, with only Charles Dunne’s dismissal against St Johnstone last week being struck off.
Goalkeeper Trevor Carson will now miss Saturday’s game against Ross County, while Dunne will miss the Betfred Cup quarter final against Aberdeen after being sent off against County in the last round.
“Obviously we’re disappointed, we wouldn’t have appealed the decisions if we didn’t feel we had a very strong case,” Lasley said. “We don’t fling £500 away for nothing at our club.
“It wasn’t to be for whatever reason, but that is the ultimate decision and we just have to get on with it.
“We look forward and it’s up to the players now who come in to go and take their opportunity.”
Lasley has been through the whole gamut of emotions already since making the move into the dugout, with Motherwell’s flawless Betfred Cup campaign being tempered by two defeats from two in the league.
“There’s definitely been some ups and downs so far,” he said.
“The two league games haven’t gone the way we would have hoped in terms of results, but over the two games there was a lot we were pleased with.”
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