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Google Unveils a New, Cheaper Networking Option For Cloud Customers: the Public Internet ( 20

Google Cloud Platform customers will have a new option when selecting the type of network used to deliver their traffic to their users: they can keep using Google's network, or they can save some money with the new option of using public transit networks. An anonymous reader shares a report: Google has long argued that one of the best reasons to use its public cloud service is the strength of its fiber network, developed and enhanced for more than a decade to support the global data centers powering its search engine. But there are some applications that don't require that level of performance, and so Google is now offering a cheaper networking service -- costing between 24 percent to 33 percent less -- that uses the transit networks that deliver the bulk of traffic to internet service providers, said Prajakta Joshi, product manager for cloud networking at Google. The new "Standard Tier" should offer performance comparable to what customers would experience through "other cloud providers," Joshi said, although both Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure operate fiber networks outside of the public internet.
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Google Unveils a New, Cheaper Networking Option For Cloud Customers: the Public Internet

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  • The new "Standard Tier" should offer performance comparable to what customers would experience through "other cloud providers" ...

    I love it when companies say stuff like this. "Sure, we'll let you buy this cheaper tier, which is good enough for the average schmuck... BUT if you pay us a premium over the basic amount, you'll get our EXTRA-SPECIAL SERVICE where we route your traffic through our CUSTOM NETWORK rubbed with CHEETAH BLOOD and your data will flow faster!"

    • Dude! Cheetah Blood WORX! My data showed a 10% speed increase when I smeared my ethernet cables with it.

      Much better performance than I got from my gold tipped Monster Optical cables (the gold tips provide better signal connectivity!)
      (No joke kids - Monster sold them at one time and the market bullet point said just that!)
    • by smwny ( 874786 ) on Wednesday August 23, 2017 @04:08PM (#55071589)
      The idea of this is to provide a cost and performance comparable to other clouds. Until now, your only option was a lower latency and better quality connection for more money. This is really useful if you have customers all over the world and are serving directly to a user's web browser, but just over priced for everything else. This new change allows customers to spend a lot less money on batch and non-critical jobs while still having access to the "premium" connection for user facing traffic. Disclaimer: I work at Google, but my opinions are my own and do not represent Google.
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        I work at Google, but my opinions are my own...

        We've heard folks aren't allowed to have opinions there...

        • by Anonymous Coward

          I work at Google, but my opinions are my own...

          We've heard folks aren't allowed to have opinions there...

          Sad, but true.

          • by Anonymous Coward

            Not true. We've been told we're allowed to have any opinion we want. We're only allowed to speak certain opinions, though.

    • by galabar ( 518411 )
      This is a good thing for the customer. They can test the performance of their website/app with both configurations and choose the one that they feel has the best cost/benefits.
  • Mwahahahh ! AAhahahahha ! Lol !

    21st century is WONDERFUL

    You have a bunch of guys that advocate for net neutrality for good reasons but then it kills off all attempts to have Internet wide class of service.
    Then you have the most powerful value added service provide taking over a lot of core Internet with private interconnects, AI and a lot of smart things. Then it offers ... a diffenciated class of service with a different price

    And you know what? The other cloud provider CANNOT offer the same because there

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion

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