All you can do is the best you can do.

bomberqueen17 on AO3 and Instagram, dragonladyB17 on Twitter, dragonlady7 on Dreamwidth, find me on Dreamwidth mostly

Jul 14

I was going to whine some more but there’s no point to that. Instead, here is another Hilarious Work Anecdote. 

Manager, who has 5 kids and whom I sometimes call Superdad, made a little girl cry today.

He was talking with her mother about printing a photograph. It wasn’t the right crop ratio for the size she wanted, and so he said, unthinkingly, “Well, we could move it over a bit, that might look more like you want, but I’d have to cut her arm off,” referring to the small child, who was in the photograph.

The girl, who was about three, began to cry. “Mommy,” she managed to say, “I don’t want him to cut my arm off!” 

As he related the story to me, he concluded, “I will now remember to use the technical term ‘crop’ when I’m talking about photos of young children in front of them.”

  1. otherearthsoutthere reblogged this from bomberqueen17 and added:
    Awwwww, yisss, young children. I had 5 in 11years, ya know , so yeah be careful how you speak around them.
  2. lonesome-onion reblogged this from artatthepriceofoblivion
  3. artatthepriceofoblivion reblogged this from teddybearblogs
  4. teddybearblogs reblogged this from bomberqueen17
  5. csevet said: you deserve cookies even for trying and if i was there i would bring you some. also that is indeed an Excellent Work Story
  6. buttons-beads-lace said: the subtext of this ‘like’ is supposed to be: i’m rooting for you and you deserve a cookie anyway
  7. bomberqueen17 posted this