People Thought This Tote Bag Said 'Hitler' Thanks To An Unfortunate Font Choice


Typography enthusiasts, you might want to look away.

Belle Chic, an online retailer based in Arizona, recently learned the hard way just how important it is to choose the right font for products. At first glance, a tote bag that states “my favorite color is glitter” appears to say something else completely.

my fav colour is also hitler

— some quack 🎤🦆 (@hurlarious) July 23, 2017

My fav colour is also Hitler,” joked Twitter user @hurlarious, racking up over 114,000 likes and over 37,000 retweets so far.

The bag inspired a bevy of puns...

How did the designers Nazi that

— 🌻🌹🌼morganne🌼🌹🌻 (@FUCKIECHINSTER) July 24, 2017

Nein out of ten agree.

— Economy Peasant (@EnigmaMister) July 24, 2017

This makes me Fuhrious

— FATIMA (@saltyfati) July 24, 2017

... And reminders that “good typography is important!”

Oh dear. This is why good typography is important!

— Eiynah -- (@NiceMangos) July 24, 2017

Belle Chic issued a statement via Twitter saying it was “beyond embarrassed about the design.”

The company changed the font to one that more more clearly displays the correct word:

We are beyond embarrassed about the design of our GLITTER tote bag 🙈 ✨. We replaced it with a new design. Hope you like this one better!

— BelleChic (@bellechicdeals) July 24, 2017

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