assorted ramblings of a fangirl old enough to know better. Etsy shop

2nd July 2017

Post reblogged from Seanan's Tumblr with 303,799 notes









“Yes, being in a female dominated field, I do know what it means to be marginalized. “





oh my fucking god

The really ugly part is they’ve actually done multiple sociological studies on this, and guess what the result is? Men in female-dominated fields aren’t marginalized at all; they get special treatment and are fast-tracked to the top, getting more credit for their work, faster promotions, and greater pay and benefits than their female colleagues.

Here’s one study. Here’s another. And another.

^phenomenon known as the glass escalator

have you ever been around male nurses….mannnn

Men in female dominated fields are entitled as hell. Don’t get it twisted

teaching is a female-dominated field but most principals are male

librarianship is a female-dominated field but most directors are male

Cooking is female dominated but most chefs are males

a large percent of hair stylists are women,  but most major hair care brands are owned by men

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