South China Sea: US freedom of navigation 'harmed' China

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This was published 7 years ago

South China Sea: US freedom of navigation 'harmed' China

By Idrees Ali

Washington, DC: China says it's "displeased" after a US Navy destroyer carried out a "freedom of navigation operation" through the disputed South China Sea.

The operation came as US President Donald Trump's administration seeks Chinese co-operation in dealing with North Korea's missile and nuclear programs and could complicate efforts to secure a common stance.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the USS John S. McCain travelled close to Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands, among a string of islets, reefs and shoals in the area.

It was the third "freedom of navigation operation" during Trump's presidency.

U.S. Navy personnel raise their national flag on the USS John McCain in 2014.

U.S. Navy personnel raise their national flag on the USS John McCain in 2014.Credit: AP

Thursday's operation was the latest attempt to counter what Washington sees as Beijing's efforts to limit freedom of navigation in the strategic waters.

China's foreign ministry said the operation had violated international and Chinese law and seriously harmed Beijing's sovereignty and security.

"China is very displeased with this and will bring up the issue with the US side," the ministry said in a statement.

The United States has criticised China's construction of islands and build-up of military facilities in the sea, and is concerned they could be used to restrict free nautical movement.

The USS John S. McCain destroyer sails off the coast of Vietnam in 2011.

The USS John S. McCain destroyer sails off the coast of Vietnam in 2011.Credit: Son Nguyen

The United States has said that it would like to see more international participation in freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea.

The US military has a long-standing position that its operations are carried out throughout the world, including in areas claimed by allies, and they are separate from political considerations.

The Trump administration has vowed to conduct more robust South China Sea operations.

In July, a US warship sailed near a disputed island in the South China Sea claimed by China, Taiwan, Vietnam.

China's claims in the South China Sea, through which about $US5 ($A6.3) trillion in ship-borne trade passes each year are contested by Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.


The Pentagon declined to provide any details but said that all operations are conducted in accordance with international law.


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