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So excited to be able to offer this amazing calendar to you all! Will be available to purchase next week! Also will be in just in time for my moondial/moondala/moon calendar workshop on July 12! Contact me for more info!! #mooncalendar #priestess #priestessmiami #purplelotusspiritualhealing #moonmother #moonmothermiami #moondala #moondial #menstrualcycle #mooncycle #miami #miamilife #wombblessing #wombwellness #wombhealingmiami #wombwellnessmiami #wombhealingmiami #wombblessingmiami #healing #wellness #s#spirituality #spiritualhealer #spiritualjourney #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #goddess #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #om #namaste

9 notes

  1. purplelotusspiritualhealing posted this
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