
18 text messages people sent to Jimmy Butler after he gave out his number

If you had a pro athtlete’s number, what would you want to ask or say to him/her?

We got that answer on Thursday when new Minnesota Timberwolves guard Jimmy Butler told the world his actual cell phone number during his introductory press conference for any haters to call:

Plenty of people — including our own Maggie Hendricks — called him up, but lots folks texted him. Here’s a breakdown of what they decided to send:

Some took him at his word:

Many people were pretty nice:

There’s some randomness about Jose Canseco:

And some good-natured trolling:

There were tough questions:

And sweet invitations:

Naturally, there were interview requests:

Guess this is from an Eagles fan?

This one is really good:

But really, people wanted to ask him important questions that needed definitive answers:

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