
“Karneval Fashion » Nyanperona [x]”

Karneval Fashion » Nyanperona [x]

Anime-inspired Nails by the Ayumino Nail Salon in Akihabara

From top to bottom:

  • Kamisama Hajimemashita: Momozono Nanami [x]
  • AMNESIA: Ukyo [x]
  • Karneval: Gareki [x]
  • Uta no Prince-sama: Ichinose Tokiya [x]
  • Hakuouki: Okita Souji [x]
All their collections can be viewed here.

“Karneval Fashion » Usagi » ♠”

Karneval Fashion » Usagi » 

“Karneval Fashion » Nai » Episode 3
Requested by Anonymous”

Karneval Fashion » Nai » Episode 3
Requested by Anonymous

[Karneval] Hitsuji ("Black Sheep")
Requested by allie-redbird If you want something a little less formal, swap the fascinator for a headband. ^^ You can also wear cream tights instead of socks.
View all Karneval outfits here!

[Karneval] Hitsuji ("Black Sheep")
Requested by allie-redbird

If you want something a little less formal, swap the fascinator for a headband. ^^ You can also wear cream tights instead of socks.

View all Karneval outfits here!

[Karneval] Yogi The first time I saw this outfit, I thought, What is that?! I was totally not a fan of all those loose, stringy bits. It wasn’t until half way through the anime that I realized how perfectly they reflect Yogi’s power to manipulate...

[Karneval] Yogi

The first time I saw this outfit, I thought, What is that?! I was totally not a fan of all those loose, stringy bits. It wasn’t until half way through the anime that I realized how perfectly they reflect Yogi’s power to manipulate thorny vines (or however his power works…not sure!).

So that’s why I’ve included the wrap bracelet and heavily layered necklace. I also added the Hello Kitty bandage to represent Yogi’s allergy patch.

A Week of Karneval at Otaku Couture!

[Karneval] Gareki, Reinvented for Our World What if Gareki wasn’t some fictional anime/manga character but actually a living, breathing human who lived in our world, in this day and age? What would he be like? What would be his hobbies?
A Week of...

[Karneval] Gareki, Reinvented for Our World

What if Gareki wasn’t some fictional anime/manga character but actually a living, breathing human who lived in our world, in this day and age? What would he be like? What would be his hobbies?

A Week of Karneval is in full swing, so I thought I’d mix things up a little bit and try a headcanon post! Here’s what I think Gareki would be like in real life:

  • Tech whiz: Instead of bombs, IRL Gareki would be good at handling all types of technology, from computers to cell phones to the kitchen sink.
  • Fight Club cult member: I’m not sure why, but I just picture Gareki loving this movie… Perhaps it’s the psychological aspect of it.
  • Cross-country runner: IRL Gareki would still be competitive, but he tends to struggle with contact sports. His lean physique makes him an ideal long distance runner.
  • Zip hoodie hoarder: Just like his anime counterpart, IRL Gareki loves zip hoodies, especially his dark blue one.(^ν^)
  • Driving enthusiast: It’s not so much the cars that he enjoys but the driving gloves.
  • 90s music lover: Particularly Oasis, Weezer and Mariah Carey (but he’d never ‘fess up to that last one).
  • Scouted model: What a waste if a face that pretty wasn’t plastered all over billboards! I highly doubt Gareki himself would seek a modeling career—it’d come to him. He’d probably just do it for the money, not actually taking it seriously.
  • Avid self-help reader: He likes reading the ones without the moralistic fluff.
  • Paintball gunning pro: This shouldn’t even need explaining.
  • A soft spot for small, cute animals: But he’d never tell!

[Karneval] Jiki Even though I’m not the biggest fan of Jiki, I can never resist a cute megane bishie! And one with a whip… oh boy. (●ʘ∀ʘ●)
A couple of notes: His shirt color is more of a dark gray with heavy blue undertones, but I went with the navy...

[Karneval] Jiki

Even though I’m not the biggest fan of Jiki, I can never resist a cute megane bishie! And one with a whip… oh boy. (●ʘ∀ʘ●)

A couple of notes: His shirt color is more of a dark gray with heavy blue undertones, but I went with the navy shirt because I thought it looked better. Also, his glasses are actually bottom half-rims.

A Week of Karneval at Otaku Couture!

Get the Look: Karneval Eyelashes

And so we continue A Week of Karneval! It’s been a while since I’ve done a beauty post, and considering how beautiful literally everyone in Karneval is, I think this is pretty fitting.

The first thing I noticed about all the female characters was their lush, enviable eyelashes. This is probably just Mikanagi-sensei’s drawing style; nonetheless, it’s still somewhat uncommon to see such amazingly detailed eyelashes in anime and manga.

I personally think Tsukumo’s are the nicest:

tsukumo karneval screenshot

Here’s a closeup (please don’t mind my nonexistent Photoshop skills):

tsukumo eyelashes
For those of us were born with short, sparse lashes (ehem like myself), there are many available methods for achieving Karneval-length eyelashes. I’ll be discussing what is in my opinion the most effective and cost-efficient of these options:

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[Karneval] Tsukumo

A Week of Karneval wouldn’t be complete without a Tsukumo appreciation post! I love the juxtaposition of her girly elegance and her emotionally unperceptive personality—this pairing doesn’t seem common in everyday life.

However, I think her feminine style properly reflects the passion she harbors for her work. You can easily replicate her style by using lots of pink and white, and by incorporating girly accessories and other feminine textures (lace, ruffles, etc.).

View all Karneval posts here.

Karneval OP & ED Ringtones

Karneval cell phones

I love this ending and opening! Plus, Granrodeo also did the openings for Kuroko no Basket (which I’ll probably also do a ringtone post for) and Code:Breaker. They’re awesome.

As for how to download these onto your phone… Well, that depends on what phone you use. I’m not very tech-savvy, so I recommend just googling “how to add ringtone to [your phone model here]”. Sorry!

Please like or reblog if downloading! ♪(´ε` )

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[Karneval] Yukkin Bet you guys didn’t see this one coming! (。≖ิ‿≖ิ)
To kick off A Week of Karneval, I decided to start with this cute little guy. Keep in mind though that pulling off white-on-white can be difficult—try to keep the shades of white as...

[Karneval] Yukkin

Bet you guys didn’t see this one coming! (。≖ิ‿≖ิ)

To kick off A Week of Karneval, I decided to start with this cute little guy. Keep in mind though that pulling off white-on-white can be difficult—try to keep the shades of white as similar as possible.

There’s actually a pair of flip flops in the background which I meant to put with the capri outfit, but it was difficult finding a good place for them in the layout lol.

View all Karneval posts here.

A Week of Karneval at Otaku Couture!


The last episode of Karneval aired today. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m already starting to experience withdrawal symptoms:

  • irrepressible cries of, “NOW HOW WILL I GET MY FILL OF YOREKI?!”
  • random bouts of ugly sobbing (jk not really…or am I?)
  • lustful ears that refuse to be satisfied with any other show (it’s not often that one show contains basically all my favorite seiyuu)
  • increased dissatisfaction with real, human guys—they just don’t have the beauty or depth of our precious 2D babies!
  • an overall feeling of emptiness, often caused when a series takes a special place in your heart and then…poof. Done.

Aside from simply hoping for a season two, how’s a fangirl supposed to cope? Sure, sure, I could just read the manga, but it’s not the same—some series are better on paper, some on screen. For me, Karneval is the former.

“Then why not dedicate a week to Karneval-inspired fashion, beauty and lifestyle?!” you ask? Why, you clever niji! Although I’ve already done some Karneval polyvore outfits, now’s the perfect time to step things up a notch.

So there you have it, folks. You can interpret this as an announcement or a warning: This week expect a lot of Karneval posts, including but not limited to get the look posts, polyvore outfits and several other new things I have in mind!

Of course, the request box is open. Please feel free to request anything, whether related to Karneval or any other series!