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How an Engine Works

There was a time when only a few people understood how a car really works. Over time, schools have been the education of students; And companies have shown the public how your model works. So how does an engine work?
It starts with the key in the contact. Turning the key allows the electric current to flow through the motor that lights the spark plugs. Spark plug is present in all cylinders. It turns on using a timer that is set in a sequence. The sequence normally allows the spark plug to ignite a three times and the spark plug to ignite two four later.
The throttle valve opens into the first gas allowing cylinder to circulate in space. Once the valve is closed and the piston is pushed downward for the bottom dead center BDC or the piston compresses the gas. Once the gas has been compressed to the capacity of the spark plug lights the gas forcing the piston down again. Then, the second valve opens when the piston moves again to top dead center or top dead center. After turning the fuel gas, it becomes where is released through the exhaust pipe.
How does the piston move?
The car operates on a number of mechanisms. When the driver presses the throttle allowing the gasoline in the car, but the chemical reactions that the crankshaft rotates, they occur. The crankshaft is connected to the pistons and when one assembly moves downwards, the other assembly is pushed upward. The axis of the rod or the piston bottom is what is attached to the crankshaft. When the crankshaft rotates, it also rotates the wheel axle which allows you to advance. Wheel supplier includes this movement, so that the wheels are designed to complement this action. The pistons do not move in an upward motion, but in a rotary motion to rotate the shaft.
Concerning the turbo version, the gases that are released from the turbo passage end to end through the body. The turbo element compresses the gases inside and released through the exhaust pipe giving the car a thrust.
Diesel engines work a little differently. Diesel is a non-flammable liquid that can not go alone. When the diesel engine is in the cylinder head, the piston compresses and then only on. Diesel fuel is cheaper, but make more noise. It is ideal for vehicles that are more powerful, especially those with more powerful engines.
It is obviously more that goes into the process, but at least you know the basics now.
A1 wheels and tires is a private company and specializes in the storage and distribution of wheels and tires for the family of car accessories owned and operated. The company has a well established in Johannesburg, South Africa operation.
Visit our website for more details and photos of our range of mag wheels.

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