| Myth | Short URL |
2 |
"Climate's changed before" |
http://sks.to/past |
4 |
"It's cooling" |
http://sks.to/cooling |
6 |
"Temp record is unreliable" |
http://sks.to/temp |
8 |
"Ice age predicted in the 70s" |
http://sks.to/1970s |
10 |
"Antarctica is gaining ice" |
http://sks.to/antarctica |
12 |
"It's not bad" |
http://sks.to/impacts |
14 |
"It's cosmic rays" |
http://sks.to/cosmic |
16 |
"Hurricanes aren't linked to global warming" |
http://sks.to/hurricane |
18 |
"Hockey stick is broken" |
http://sks.to/hockey |
20 |
"It's Urban Heat Island effect" |
http://sks.to/uhi |
22 |
"Arctic icemelt is a natural cycle" |
http://sks.to/arcticcycle |
24 |
"Water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas" |
http://sks.to/vapor |
26 |
"Was Greenland really green in the past?" |
http://sks.to/green |
28 |
"Climategate CRU emails suggest conspiracy" |
http://sks.to/climategate |
30 |
"Climate sensitivity is low" |
http://sks.to/sensitivity |
32 |
"We're coming out of the Little Ice Age" |
http://sks.to/lia |
34 |
"Glaciers are growing" |
http://sks.to/glacier |
36 |
"There's no empirical evidence" |
http://sks.to/evidence |
38 |
"Satellites show no warming in the troposphere" |
http://sks.to/troposphere |
40 |
"IPCC is alarmist" |
http://sks.to/underestimat |
42 |
"CO2 is not a pollutant" |
http://sks.to/pollutant |
44 |
"Greenland is gaining ice" |
http://sks.to/greenland |
46 |
"Scientists can't even predict weather" |
http://sks.to/weather |
48 |
"Neptune is warming" |
http://sks.to/neptune |
50 |
"It's Pacific Decadal Oscillation" |
http://sks.to/pdo |
52 |
"Pluto is warming" |
http://sks.to/pluto |
54 |
"Volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans" |
http://sks.to/volcano |
56 |
"Medieval Warm Period was warmer" |
http://sks.to/mwp |
58 |
"It's the ocean" |
http://sks.to/ocean |
60 |
"Arctic sea ice has recovered" |
http://sks.to/arctic |
62 |
"Dropped stations introduce warming bias" |
http://sks.to/dropped |
64 |
"It's aerosols" |
http://sks.to/aerosols |
66 |
"CO2 has a short residence time" |
http://sks.to/residence |
68 |
"2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory" |
http://sks.to/thermo |
70 |
"It's not happening" |
http://sks.to/warming |
72 |
"It's land use" |
http://sks.to/landuse |
74 |
"2009-2010 winter saw record cold spells" |
http://sks.to/winter |
76 |
"500 scientists refute the consensus" |
http://sks.to/500 |
78 |
"IPCC were wrong about Himalayan glaciers" |
http://sks.to/himalaya |
80 |
"Sea level rise predictions are exaggerated" |
http://sks.to/seapredict |
82 |
"Phil Jones says no global warming since 1995" |
http://sks.to/1995 |
84 |
"CO2 is coming from the ocean" |
http://sks.to/oceanco2 |
86 |
"CO2 is not increasing" |
http://sks.to/co2up |
88 |
"Record snowfall disproves global warming" |
http://sks.to/snowfall |
90 |
"Lindzen and Choi find low climate sensitivity" |
http://sks.to/lindzenchoi |
92 |
"Solar cycles cause global warming" |
http://sks.to/solarcycle |
94 |
"Over 31,000 scientists signed the OISM Petition Project" |
http://sks.to/oism |
96 |
"IPCC were wrong about Amazon rainforests" |
http://sks.to/amazon |
98 |
"Water vapor in the stratosphere stopped global warming" |
http://sks.to/stratosphere |
100 |
"Mauna Loa is a volcano" |
http://sks.to/mauna |
102 |
"Trenberth can't account for the lack of warming" |
http://sks.to/trenberth |
104 |
"Southern sea ice is increasing" |
http://sks.to/southice |
106 |
"Global warming stopped in 1998, 1995, 2002, 2007, 2010, ????" |
http://sks.to/stopped |
108 |
"The IPCC consensus is phoney" |
http://sks.to/hulme |
110 |
"A drop in volcanic activity caused warming" |
http://sks.to/volcanodrop |
112 |
"It's global brightening" |
http://sks.to/bright |
114 |
"It's ozone" |
http://sks.to/ozone |
116 |
"We didn't have global warming during the Industrial Revolution" |
http://sks.to/industrial |
118 |
"Antarctica is too cold to lose ice" |
http://sks.to/toocold |
120 |
"CO2 is plant food" |
http://sks.to/plant |
125 |
"Positive feedback means runaway warming" |
http://sks.to/runaway |
128 |
"IPCC overestimate temperature rise" |
http://sks.to/overestimate |
130 |
"Ice Sheet losses are overestimated" |
http://sks.to/iceloss |
132 |
"DMI show cooling Arctic" |
http://sks.to/dmi |
134 |
"Humidity is falling" |
http://sks.to/humidity |
137 |
"It's only a few degrees" |
http://sks.to/fewdegrees |
140 |
"CO2 limits will harm the economy" |
http://sks.to/economy |
143 |
"Clouds provide negative feedback" |
http://sks.to/cloud |
145 |
"Peer review process was corrupted" |
http://sks.to/peerreview |
147 |
"Freedom of Information (FOI) requests were ignored" |
http://sks.to/foi |
151 |
"We're heading into cooling" |
http://sks.to/futurecool |
153 |
"They changed the name from 'global warming' to 'climate change'" |
http://sks.to/name |
157 |
"Arctic sea ice loss is matched by Antarctic sea ice gain" |
http://sks.to/seaice |
159 |
"Record high snow cover was set in winter 2008/2009" |
http://sks.to/snowcover |
161 |
"Earth hasn't warmed as much as expected" |
http://sks.to/inertia |
163 |
"Most of the last 10,000 years were warmer" |
http://sks.to/10000 |
168 |
"Ljungqvist broke the hockey stick" |
http://sks.to/ljungqvist |
170 |
"Hansen predicted the West Side Highway would be underwater" |
http://sks.to/highway |
172 |
"It's not urgent" |
http://sks.to/urgent |
175 |
"CO2 limits will hurt the poor" |
http://sks.to/poor |
177 |
"Renewable energy is too expensive" |
http://sks.to/expensive |
179 |
"Venus doesn't have a runaway greenhouse effect" |
http://sks.to/venus |
181 |
"CO2 limits won't cool the planet" |
http://sks.to/limitscool |
183 |
"Renewable energy investment kills jobs" |
http://sks.to/jobs |
186 |
"Roy Spencer finds negative feedback" |
http://sks.to/negspencer |
188 |
"Murry Salby finds CO2 rise is natural" |
http://sks.to/salby |
190 |
"Postma disproved the greenhouse effect" |
http://sks.to/postma |
195 |
"Sea level fell in 2010" |
http://sks.to/slr2010 |
198 |
"Climate 'Skeptics' are like Galileo" |
http://sks.to/galileo |
200 |
"It's a climate shift step function caused by natural cycles" |
http://sks.to/stepfunction |
202 |
"BEST hides the decline in global temperature" |
http://sks.to/best |
205 |
"Schmittner finds low climate sensitivity" |
http://sks.to/schmittner |
207 |
"UAH atmospheric temperatures prove climate models and/or surface temperature data sets are wrong" |
http://sks.to/uah |
210 |
"IPCC graph showing accelerating trends is misleading" |
http://sks.to/accelerate |
212 |
"Tropical thermostat limits sea surface temperature to 30°C" |
http://sks.to/thermostat |
214 |
"Himalayan glaciers are not shrinking" |
http://sks.to/himalayagrow |
216 |
"Nuclear testing is causing global warming" |
http://sks.to/nuclear |
218 |
"Arctic sea ice extent was lower in the past" |
http://sks.to/pastarctic |
220 |
"The connection between Hurricane Sandy and global warming" |
http://sks.to/sandy |
222 |
"No warming in 16 years" |
http://sks.to/16years |
224 |
"The 97% consensus on human-caused global warming is a robust result" |
http://sks.to/97percent |
226 |
"97% consensus on human-caused global warming has been disproven" |
http://sks.to/robust97 |
228 |
"IPCC human-caused global warming attribution confidence is unfounded" |
http://sks.to/confidence |
230 |
"IPCC admits global warming has paused" |
http://sks.to/ipccpause |
233 |
"Deniers are part of the 97%" |
http://sks.to/fringe |
235 |
"Climate change solutions are too expensive" |
http://sks.to/costs |
237 |
"Satellite record is more reliable than thermometers" |
http://sks.to/satellite |
239 |
"Holistic Management can reverse Climate Change " |
http://sks.to/holistic |
241 |
"Planting a trillion trees will solve global warming" |
http://sks.to/trees |
244 |
"Electromagnetic fields from solar farms are harmful to human health" |
http://sks.to/solaremf |
247 |
"Solar panels generate too much waste and will overwhelm landfills" |
http://sks.to/solarwaste |
249 |
"Solar energy is worse for the climate than burning fossil fuels" |
http://sks.to/solarvsff |
251 |
"Solar projects will hurt farmers and rural communities" |
http://sks.to/solarag |
253 |
"Reliance on solar will make the United States dependent on China and other countries" |
http://sks.to/solarchina |
255 |
"Solar energy is more expensive than fossil fuels and completely dependent on subsidies" |
http://sks.to/solarprice |
257 |
"Solar energy is unreliable" |
http://sks.to/solarunrel |
259 |
"Electromagnetic radiation from wind turbines poses a threat to human health" |
http://sks.to/windem |
261 |
"Low-frequency noise from wind turbines harms human health and causes 'wind turbine syndrome'" |
http://sks.to/windsyndrome |
263 |
"Wind turbines are a major threat to birds, bats, and other wildlife." |
http://sks.to/windwildlife |
265 |
"Producing and transporting wind turbine components releases more carbon dioxide than burning fossil fuels" |
http://sks.to/windco2 |
267 |
"Wind turbines take up too much land" |
http://sks.to/windland |
269 |
"Wind turbines are bad for farmers and rural communities" |
http://sks.to/windrural |
271 |
"Wind turbines destroy nearby property values" |
http://sks.to/windhomeval |
273 |
"Wind turbines are very noisy" |
http://sks.to/windnoise |
275 |
"Electric vehicles will cost the United States many automobile industry jobs" |
http://sks.to/evjobs |
277 |
"Electric vehicles cannot function in hot or cold weather" |
http://sks.to/evweather |