Life after Dippy the Dinosaur: Museum’s campaign to save the last blue whales
WHEN IT was announced in 2015 that Dippy the Diplodocus, the dinosaur skeleton that had greeted visitors to London's Natural History Museum since 1979, was to be removed there was an uproar among gallery-goers who had been welcomed by Dippy to the museum's magnificent Hintze Hall for 38 years.
Dippy the Dinosaur prepares to go on tour
The Museum decided to replace Dippy, who is not actually a real skeleton but made from a plaster cast of one, with the real skeleton of a blue whale that had been in the Natural History Museum's collection for many years. Dismantling Dippy, so he could go on a tour of the nation's museums from May 2018, and assembling the blue whale in the hall was a mammoth task and the operation was filmed by a BBC documentary team.
Horizon: Dippy And The Whale is a fascinating programme showing the people involved in making the project happen, how they did it, and their passion for explaining natural history to the public. Producer/director Annie Mackinder spent two years with the team and came to share their passion for the project and its aims.
"The Natural History Museum wanted to replace the dinosaur with the skeleton of the whale to show that it's a forward-looking organisation," she says. "We can't do anything about saving the dinosaurs now but we can think about what we can do about the future of the blue whale."
It's estimated there are only 12,000 blue whales left - the largest animal to have lived on Earth - so it's a vital project.
One of the big stars of the documentary is Richard Sabin, who has been the curator of the Museum's marine animal collection for 24 years. In the programme he points out that Dippy the Dinosaur, presented to the Museum in 1905, is only one of the many exhibits that have welcomed visitors to the Hintze Hall over the years.
"From when it opened in 1881, the central displays have changed," he says. "When I first visited the museum in 1976, before Dippy was in place, there were different specimens in there - an elephant and a sperm whale."
When the Museum first opened, a sperm whale skeleton plus several other cases of different animal exhibits were in the Hall. An African elephant specimen, nicknamed George, was added in 1907 and in 1924 he was joined by three more to make a small herd.
"I think visitors will soon accept the blue whale as the new iconic central exhibit," says Sabin of the new attraction. Annie Mackinder went on two trips with Richard for the Horizon programme; to California for him to see blue whales for the first time, where they saw a tagging programme that monitors the behaviour of the animals; and to Wexford in Ireland to see where the blue whale that will be hung in the Hintze Hall was stranded in 1891.
The female whale is estimated to have been about 10 to 15 years old when it died. It was sold to the Natural History Museum for £250 and was first displayed in the Mammal Hall there in 1938, suspended above a life-sized model of a blue whale.
The skeleton has been there, literally gathering dust, since then. The Horizon film shows museum staff on a first inspection of the skeleton where it was covered with a thick layer of the stuff.
Removing the dust is only the first, very minor, part of moving the skeleton from the Mammal Hall. Each of the 220 bones have been cleaned and marked, with broken pieces reinforced before the creature could be dismantled.
This work has revealed how the team who last assembled the skeleton, in 1934, had worked. Some parts of it turned out to be plaster casts and wooden wedges were used to hold it together.
Pages from the Kent Messenger newspaper were also found jammed in between bones. It was all very Heath Robinson compared to now: all the bones were treated in a conservation studio then put into a 3D scanner, from where replicas were printed. It was all a long way from plaster casts and newspaper stuffing.
The way the whale will be displayed in the Hintze Hall is very different, too. Richard Sabin felt it was important to show the mammal in a more dynamic way, so it will be posed as if going in for the kill for it's dinner. Or rather, going in for the krill. Blue whales have to eat more than four tonnes of the shrimp-like crustaceans every day to stay alive.
Canadian company RCI, best known for re-creating dinosaur skeletons for the film Jurassic Park, sent a team to an Oxfordshire aircraft hangar to build a massive metal structure for the whale, which will be hung from the hall's ceiling. The frame is a tremendous feat of engineering and seeing the 25-metre whale finally being hung is a heart-stopping moment.
The whale exhibit will be unveiled on Thursday by the Natural History Museum's patron, the Duchess of Cornwall, and Sir David Attenborough, who narrates the Horizon documentary, and will doubtless be an inspiration to thousands more visitors - encouraging them to take an interest in wildlife conservation.
And who knows, the blue whale may eventually get a nickname as good as Dippy.
Horizon: Dippy And The Whale is on BBC2 at 9pm on Thursday. The Natural History Museum exhibition Whales will open to the public at 9am on Friday.