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are you in London Airport and need to travel from Heathrow to Gatwick. Heathrow Cabs Gatwick transport provide transfer services around London

“ SUBMISSION: The Taxonomy of Trash project. I recently spent the day at a recycling center as part of an artist residency . During the course of the day I collected everything blue and made an arrangement of them in the...


SUBMISSION: The Taxonomy of Trash project. I recently spent the day at a recycling center as part of an artist residency . During the course of the day I collected everything blue and made an arrangement of them in the parking lot.

ed: See also, Meredith Knapp Brickell’s Watershed Blue project.

“ Pat Summit is carried off the court by members of the US Women’s Basketball team after defeating South Korea in the 1984 gold medal game. Summit, who also won a silver medal as a player, announced today that she is stepping aside as...


Pat Summit is carried off the court by members of the US Women’s Basketball team after defeating South Korea in the 1984 gold medal game. Summit, who also won a silver medal as a player, announced today that she is stepping aside as Tennessee women’s basketball coach. (Peter Read Miller/SI)

GALLERY: Sportsman and Sportswoman of the year (Summit and Coach K)

Let’s get sanctimonious, er, honest. We have lots of problems nowadays. Millions of people are unemployed. People are still losing their homes. Healthcare costs are rising too fast. College is too expensive for too many students. For the lucky ones in school, a terrible jobs market and too much student debt awaits them after graduation. Then there’s our deteriorating infrastructure. Our Byzantine tax code. Global warming. Afghanistan. I could go on. It’s depressing.

But not as depressing as the public spectacle of top campaign officials trying to “win” ridiculous spats more worthy of middle school. (I’m sorry, that’s an insult to middle schoolers). This is just life inside the Beltway bubble. It’s all poppycock, all the time. But here’s the thing: nobody cares. Nobody but political operatives, that is. Everybody else has actual problems to worry about. They aren’t interested in who ate what 40 years ago.

Matt O’Brien, of The Atlantic, is tired of silly presidential campaign issues and would like to discuss America’s real problems. Read it here.

Tell us your story & we’ll post it on the website or Tumblr.

(via restorationcalls)

“ ed: Not sure what this is from…
Turns out it’s from Brutus Magazine.
“ “Life is too short for reading inferior books.”
—James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce


“Life is too short for reading inferior books.”

—James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce

“ Hot New Hotels of 2012 | Old Cataract Hotel, Aswan, Egypt
Gatwick Hotels - Heathrow Transfers
“ Hot New Hotels of 2012 | Old Cataract Hotel, Aswan, Egypt


Hot New Hotels of 2012 | Old Cataract Hotel, Aswan, Egypt

“ While the SEO industry has spent years decrying how well Wikipedia seems to dominate Google’s rankings, it may be that Amazon.com is the real king of visibility.


While the SEO industry has spent years decrying how well Wikipedia seems to dominate Google’s rankings, it may be that Amazon.com is the real king of visibility.

“ ahaha this is me when I was 12! This was for Time Magazine, like four years ago. Even though it says, “Birna Gustafsson, age 11” I was actually 12. They did a story of how teen girls grow up too fast, and it doesn’t have very much to...


ahaha this is me when I was 12! This was for Time Magazine, like four years ago. Even though it says, “Birna Gustafsson, age 11” I was actually 12.  They did a story of how teen girls grow up too fast, and it doesn’t have very much to do with me, they just used a before and after, like with/without make up. I can’t believe I found this on my computer just now… seems like forever ago!