Star Wars 8 The Last Jedi director SPEAKS OUT on Carrie Fisher’s final performance as Leia

STAR WARS 8 The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson has spoken out on Carrie Fisher’s final performance as Princess Leia.

By George Simpson, Film & Music Editor

Thrilling behind the scenes look at Star Wars: The Last Jedi

The 60-year-old actress may have sadly died at the end of last year, but fans still have her last bout as Leia to look forward to this Christmas.

Over the weekend a behind-the-scenes sizzle reel was unveiled for : The Last Jedi at Disney’s D23.

Director Johnson was on hand to give interviews and spoke out on Carrie’s final performance as General Leia.

Speaking with Good Morning America, he said: “Carrie gives a really beautiful performance in the film.”

carrie fisher as leia and rian johnsonLUCASFILM

Star Wars 8 The Last Jedi director SPEAKS OUT on Carrie Fisher’s final performance as Leia

Johnson continued: “We obviously didn’t make the movie to be her final Star Wars movie. 

“Given that though, I think there are scenes that she has that are going to mean a lot to people.

“There are scenes that we have with her where now not having her around I watch them and I think I’m really thankful that we have that and we can give that to people. 

“So ‘wraps up nicely,’ [referring to his previous statement] I don’t know but it emotionally gives some kind of catharsis I guess, gives some kind of emotional satisfaction, I really think so, I hope so. I know for me it does.”

princess leia posterLUCASFILM

Star Wars The Last Jedi is Carrie Fisher's last performance as Leia

It’s claimed that Star Wars composer John Williams has written a mini score for the sequence, one which is expected to be a series of pictures of Carrie’s Leia.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi will be released in UK cinemas on December 14, 2017.

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