Traveling can be a memorable and eye-opening experience, but the experience can quickly take a bad turn if your belongings are stolen along the way. Losing your luggage, your passport, your cash, or an expensive camera or phone can be a stressful, scary, and unsettling situation. You can prevent theft during your travels by being a mindful and informed traveler and by securing your belongings at all times. If you research your destination ahead of time, purchase locks and secure luggage and backpacks, and know how to keep your belongings safe during the day, you can successfully protect yourself from theft.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Researching Your Surroundings

  1. As you prepare for your trip, be sure to research what types of crimes occur at your destination. In some cities, pickpocketing or robberies are a problem. Be aware of what types of crime occur at your travel destination so you can stay safe and protect your belongings.
    • Refer to your favorite travel guide, travel blog, or travel website to see what types of crimes occur in the city or country you are traveling to.
    • Ask a friend or relative who has visited that country what their experience was like.
  2. Before you go on your trip, check your government’s travel website to see if there are any alerts or travel warnings for that area. These alerts will let you know if there is an increase in crime, violence, theft, or civil unrest in that area.[1]
  3. Travel insurance is a worthwhile investment for every traveler. If your research indicates that the area you are visiting has a high theft or crime rate, make sure your policy has theft coverage. If you are traveling with expensive items like a camera, a computer, a tablet, or other costly items, theft insurance can help ensure that you will be able to replace these items if they are lost or stolen. Plus, it will give you peace of mind as you explore your destination.[2]
    • The cost of travel insurance plans is determined by the length of your trip, your destination, and your age. It typically costs between 4% and 8% of your total trip cost.[3] You can receive a free quote online from a variety of insurance companies, including Global Travel Insurance, Travelex, and Travel Guard.[4]
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Securing Your Backpack and Luggage

  1. Before you leave for your trip, make sure you are able to lock-up your luggage securely. Invest in some baggage locks that allow you to secure the zippers on your luggage or backpack, and buy a padlock so you can lock away your possessions in a locker if you are staying in a hostel or a dormitory setting. A thief will be less likely to go after a backpack or a piece of luggage that is secured with a lock.
  2. If you are planning on carrying a backpack during the daytime, consider investing in an anti-theft backpack. These backpacks come equipped with tricky locks and zipper clips, making it difficult for a pickpocket to quickly and easily unzip your backpack. Anti-theft backpacks are often reinforced with a wire or plastic mesh within the material, making it difficult for someone to slash open the bottom with a pocket knife.[5]
    • Many brands, such as PacSafe and Travelon, sell anti-theft backpacks. These backpacks can cost between $60 and $250 and can be purchased online or at sporting goods stores and recreational shops.
  3. If you are traveling overnight on a train or a bus, secure your backpack with a waterproof bag or sack. The sack will not only protect your bag from water or moisture, but it will also cover up all the pockets, zippers, and straps, making it more difficult to access the items inside.
    • Waterproof bags and sacks can be purchased online or at a local sporting goods store or a recreational shop. They can cost between $10 to $100, depending on the brand and size.
  4. In crowded and popular areas, pickpockets may be wandering around hoping to snatch something from an unsuspecting tourist in the crowd. If you are visiting a crowded landmark, are on a packed bus, or are standing on a busy metro station platform, make sure your belongings are safe and secure. Be alert and aware of what is going on around you at all times.[6]
    • Keep your backpack or purse in front of you when in a crowd. If it is left on your back or is dangling from your arm, someone can swiftly grab it or reach in and snatch your wallet.
    • Make sure that all zippers are secure and each flap is completely closed. Do not leave your purse or backpack open.

Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Keeping Your Personal Items Safe When Exploring

  1. Many hotels have a safe within your personal room. If there is a safe in your room, store your passport, some credit cards, and cash inside when you are out for the day. This will help ensure the safety of your most important items. Plus, if you do lose some of your cash, a credit card, or your purse or backpack during the day, you will have a secure stash back at your accommodation.
  2. Photocopy your ID and passport and keep the copies in a secure place.[7] Give one to a friend or relative at home, and keep another with you while you travel. If you do lose your ID or passport while traveling, having copies will help make it easier for you to obtain a new one.[8]
  3. Never keep all of your money in one place. If all of your cash is located in your backpack or purse and someone swipes either item, you will lose everything. Keep some of your money in your purse or backpack, but also store some of it in a secure pocket, a money belt, an inside jacket pocket, or in your shoe.[9]
  4. Keep a second, cheap wallet in your pocket while traveling. Keep a small amount of cash in the dummy wallet and fill it with old membership cards or loyalty cards. If someone tries to rob you, hand over the dummy wallet. The thief will look inside and see some bills and cards that appear to be credit cards. They will make off with the fake wallet, and your real wallet with be safe with you.[10]
  5. Keep your camera safe by attaching it to a wrist strap. While taking photos and exploring new scenery, it is easy to get caught up in the moment and to lose sight of what is happening around you. If your camera is secured at your wrist, a thief will be less likely to grab your camera out of your hand.

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    Can I wear my favorite jewelry when I travel?
    Top Answerer
    This is not usually a good idea unless you're traveling somewhere you know really well and you know is a safe place to wear valuable items. If you don't know the place well or it has a reputation for thieving, it is always best to not travel with valuable jewelry because it can tempt thieves. Even if you think you don't mind losing the jewellery, there is sometimes a risk of being hurt if someone tries to attack you to steal it. Also, you will need to store it safely when you're not wearing it, which can be an unnecessary worry.
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About this article

American Automobile Association
Co-authored by:
Motor Club Federation
This article was co-authored by American Automobile Association. The American Automobile Association (also known as "AAA" or "Triple A") is a federation of motor clubs throughout North America and a non-profit organization focused on the safety of the driving public and the future of mobility. Best known for providing its members with roadside assistance, AAA has also been providing auto repair services and insurance for auto, home, life, and business for over a century. Founded in 1902, AAA is headquartered in Heathrow, Florida. This article has been viewed 30,361 times.
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Updated: November 19, 2022
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