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  • Company Type For Profit
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  • Phone Number (650) 584-3400

PeopleGrove software supports the entire student lifecycle in higher education institutions. It is designed to enhance engagement from prospective students to alumni and is used by over 650 institutions worldwide. PeopleGrove provides a centralized platform for students to access mentorship, college navigation, and career support services, helping

them persist to graduation, explore careers, and build professional networks. The platform aims to improve student career readiness and confidence, leveraging AI and machine learning for personalized support.

Additionally, PeopleGrove offers solutions for admissions and enrollment, student services, alumni and advancement, and industry partnerships. Their tools facilitate increased yield and reduced melt in admissions, improved retention and persistence to graduation, enhanced career readiness, and the growth of alumni engagement and philanthropy pipelines. The platform also supports experiential learning and project-based learning through industry partnerships.

PeopleGrove's mission is to ensure that every learner has access to the necessary networks and people to succeed, with a vision to help every learner navigate successfully to their next professional step.

PeopleGrove's mentorship and advising platform has been successfully launched at the world's leading institutions, including Stanford, UMGC, K-State, and many more.

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PeopleGrove was acquired by Riverside Company on May 12, 2022.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is PeopleGrove's headquarters? PeopleGrove is located in San Francisco, California, United States.Who invested in PeopleGrove? PeopleGrove has 10 investors including University Ventures and GSV Ventures.How much funding has PeopleGrove raised to date? PeopleGrove has raised .When was the last funding round for PeopleGrove? PeopleGrove closed its last funding round on May 3, 2021 from a Venture - Series Unknown round.Who are PeopleGrove's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to PeopleGrove may include CollegeVineEcho360, and Verto Education.