Biomedical Results of ApolloThe biomedical program developed for Apollo is described in detail. The findings are listed of those investigations which are conducted to assess the effects of space flight on man's physiological and functional capacities, and significant medical events in Apollo are documented. Topics discussed include crew health and inflight monitoring, preflight and postflight medical testing, inflight experiments, quarantine, and life support systems.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Special Publication (SP)
Richard S. Johnston (Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
Lawrence F. Dietlein (Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
Charles A. Berry (Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
James F. Parker, Jr. (BioTechnology, Inc. Arlington, VA, United States)
Vita West (BioTechnology, Inc. Arlington, VA, United States)
Walton L. Jones (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States)
Date Acquired
September 3, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1975
Publication Information
Publication: Biomedical Results of Apollo
Publisher: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
IDRelationTitle19760005582Collected WorksMicrobiological investigations19760005583Collected WorksRadiation protection and instrumentation19760005585Collected WorksEnvironmental factors19760005586Collected WorksFlight crew health stabilization program19760005587Collected WorksThe role of toxicology in the Apollo space program19760005588Collected WorksEndocrine, electrolyte, and fluid volume changes associated with Apollo missions19760005590Collected WorksHematology and immunology studies19760005591Collected WorksApollo flight crew cardiovascular evaluations19760005592Collected WorksExercise response19760005593Collected WorksNutritional studies19760005594Collected WorksSkeletal response19760005595Collected WorksApollo flight crew vestibular assessment19760005596Collected WorksBiostack: A study of the biological effects on HZE galactic cosmic radiation19760005597Collected WorksApollo light flash investigations19760005598Collected WorksThe Apollo 16 microbial response to space environment experiment19760005589Collected WorksClinical biochemistry19760005600Collected WorksThe lunar quarantine program19760005601Collected WorksQuarantine testing and biocharacterization of lunar materials19760005599Collected WorksThe Apollo 17 pocket mouse experiment (Biocore)19760005603Collected WorksWaste management system19760005604Collected WorksBioinstrumentation19760005602Collected WorksApollo food technology19760005605Collected WorksPotable water supply19760005581Collected WorksClinical aspects of crew health19760005607Collected WorksExtravehicular mobility unit19760005606Collected WorksApollo command and service module and lunar module environmental control systems