Taking your baby to the beach to play in the sand, explore the tide, and discover all the new sights and sounds of the ocean can be a wonderful experience for you and your family. It is important to plan ahead, however, to make sure that you keep your baby safe and comfortable. If you protect your little one from the sun, keep liquids and snacks on hand, and stay by their side while they are near the water, you can have a carefree and fun day at the beach with your baby.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Packing the Right Equipment

  1. Spread out a large blanket or towel to give your baby a spot to play, eat, and crawl around. You may wish to pack a few extra towels so you will have a dry, sand-free towel for your baby to use.[1]
  2. Using a large beach umbrella is a great way to shield your baby from the heat and the sun’s harmful rays. Make sure to use a light-colored umbrella that will reflect the heat. This space will provide a cozy, shady area for your baby to play in the sand.
    • Take along a smaller umbrella that you can easily clip onto your baby’s stroller.[2]
  3. Pack a cooler with your baby’s favorite snacks and drinks. Bring along bottled milk, water, or juice to keep your baby well-hydrated throughout the day.[3] Opt to take some portable, pureed baby food packets so your baby can enjoy an easy snack. Take along healthy finger foods like carrots, bananas, or pieces of cheese if your little one is eating solid foods.[4]
    • Find a shady spot that isn’t in a windy area to breastfeed your child at the beach.[5]
    • Bring clean, lukewarm water to the beach with you. This will be useful to use as a rinse if your baby gets sand in their mouth or eyes.
  4. Your baby’s clothes will be sandy and damp after a day at the beach, and you may go through more diapers than usual to keep their bottom dry. Pack an extra pair of clothes to keep your baby dry and clean on the way home, and store extra diapers in your diaper bag.
  5. A small inflatable pool can be a useful tool for a day at the beach with your baby. The pool can serve as a safe playpen for your little one, or it can be a great space to take a nap. Make sure you do not leave your child alone even though your baby may be in a safe confinement.[6]
    • Prop an umbrella over the baby pool to give it shade. Make sure, however, that there is plenty of ventilation for your baby.
  6. Your little one may be too enthralled with the ocean and the sand to pay attention to toys, but bring along a few just in case. Bring some brightly colored plastic beach buckets and baby-friendly toy shovels so they can dig in the sand. Bring along their favorite plastic truck or ball that they push around over the sand dunes.
    • Avoid bringing stuffed animals and toys that squeak. Sand may get stuck in the plush toy’s fabric, and a squeaker may suck some sand inside the toy.
  7. 7
    Bring a waterproof camera along. You and your family may make many wonderful memories on the beach. Make sure you capture them all. You can buy disposable waterproof cameras at beach shops, convenience stores, or online. You can also buy a waterproof case for your normal camera at a camera store or online.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Protecting Your Baby from the Sun

  1. Liberally apply sunscreen on your baby if they are older than six months. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that has at least an SPF of 30.[7] Use a mineral-based sunscreen that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to avoid irritating your baby’s skin.[8] If you plan to enter the water with your baby, be sure to use waterproof sunscreen that has a UVA rating of at least four stars.
    • You can use sunscreen on a baby that is younger than six months, but do not apply is as frequently. Only apply it to exposed skin, and try to keep their arms, legs, feet, and face protected from the sun with clothing. The chemicals in the sunscreen may irritate their sensitive skin.[9]
    • Don’t use products that contain insect repellent.[10]
  2. Sunscreen can wear off after a few hours, so be sure to reapply it every two hours. If your baby has been in the water or has been perspiring, apply the sunscreen more frequently.[11]
  3. The sun’s ultraviolet rays are the strongest and can do the most damage between 10 AM and 4 PM. During this time, keep your baby in the shade as much as possible, or plan to visit the beach outside of these hours.
  4. 4
    Dress your baby in full-coverage UV-protected swimwear. Babies have thin skin that is vulnerable to the sun. Use swimsuits, rash guards, and hats with UV-protection built in.[12]
    • You can buy UV-protected swimwear wherever swim or beach gear is sold. You can also get it online.
    • Look for swimwear and clothing that states it has an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of 30 or higher.
  5. Make sure your baby’s arms and legs are completely covered to protect them from the sun’s harmful rays. Dress them in lightweight, light-colored clothing. Lighter colors like white, yellow, or light blue will help reflect the heat to keep your baby’s skin cooler.[13]
    • Opt for fabrics that have a tighter weave that will keep the sun from penetrating the clothing. Hold your baby’s clothes up to a light. The tighter the weave, the less light will shine through it.
  6. It is important to keep your baby’s head covered during a day at the beach. Even if they have hair, the top of their head can still burn.[14] Use a wide-brimmed hat to protect their heads and shield their eyes from the sun’s glare.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Keeping Your Baby Safe in the Ocean

  1. It is not recommended for babies under two months old to swim in lakes, rivers, pools, or oceans. A baby’s immune system is very vulnerable during this time, and contaminated water may make them more likely to become sick.[15] To keep your newborn safe, keep them away from ocean water until they are over two months old.
  2. It is difficult for babies to regulate their body temperature, so be sure to check the water before your baby goes in. Use your best judgment to gauge the water’s temperature. If the water seems quite cold to you, then it will feel very cold to your baby.[16]
    • Take your baby out of the water if they begin to shiver or if their lips turn blue.
    • If your baby is too cold, remove the wet swimming gear and wrap them in a warm, dry blanket or towel.
  3. Make sure your baby is wearing a flotation device at all times when they are near the water. Although it may be uncomfortable for your child at first, they will get used to it over time.[17] A wave could knock them over as you are holding on to them, or a current could pull them out. Make sure your baby will be able to keep their head above water at all times by placing them in a snug life jacket.
    • Make sure the life jacket has head support and a strap between the legs. This strap will prevent the jacket from slipping off over the baby’s head.[18]
  4. Take your baby down to the tide to wade in a section that is calm and clean. Look to see that there are lifeguards nearby who can help or alert you if there are typically rough currents or waves in that area.[19] Your baby will enjoy watching the gentle tide roll in and will love exploring the new textures in a peaceful wading spot.
  5. While near the water, make sure you or another adult can easily get to your baby. Make sure they are at an arm’s length away so that they can be easily reached if necessary.
  6. Even if your baby is taking swimming lessons, it can be dangerous to take them into deeper waters. You cannot see the bottom at many beaches, so it can be difficult to tell if and where the ocean floor drops off. Waves can splash salt water into your baby’s mouth or eyes, causing discomfort. Stay in shallow waters where you can keep your footing.[20]
  7. If you take your baby into the water, make sure that you are holding them safely and securely. Waves can be more powerful than they look. Keep a close hold on your child so that the waves do not knock them over or push them under water.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    My 7 month old, Hazel, loves the beach. But she always crawls and sits out from the shade of the umbrella. When I bring her back under the shade, she cries a little. What should I do?
    Catherine Palomino, MS
    Catherine Palomino, MS
    Master's Degree, Elementary Education, CUNY Brooklyn College
    Catherine Palomino is a former Childcare Center Director in New York. She received her MS in Elementary Education from CUNY Brooklyn College in 2010.
    Catherine Palomino, MS
    Master's Degree, Elementary Education, CUNY Brooklyn College
    Expert Answer
    It’s wonderful Hazel is such a fan of the beach! Ensure Hazel always has appropriate sun protection, such as sunscreen, wide brimmed hat and a full coverage swim outfit that affords SPF and UV protection. To encourage her to stay in the shade and out of the sun, distract her with fun activities, and model by example by staying in the shade yourself. Reinforce the idea by gently telling her “we stay in the shade at the beach!” Have fun!
  • Question
    Are cameras required? In other words, is it okay not to take pictures at the beach?
    Lucinda DiFiore
    Lucinda DiFiore
    Community Answer
    Yes. It's okay not to take pictures at the beach. It's just in case you want to capture your memories at the beach.
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About this article

Catherine Palomino, MS
Co-authored by:
Master's Degree, Elementary Education, CUNY Brooklyn College
This article was co-authored by Catherine Palomino, MS. Catherine Palomino is a former Childcare Center Director in New York. She received her MS in Elementary Education from CUNY Brooklyn College in 2010. This article has been viewed 27,613 times.
22 votes - 78%
Co-authors: 14
Updated: October 11, 2022
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  • Jarius Tolson

    Jarius Tolson

    Jul 6, 2017

    "Knowing that babies under 6 months Will need less sunscreen due to sensitive skin really helped me, as my baby is..." more

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