All you can do is the best you can do.

bomberqueen17 on AO3 and Instagram, dragonladyB17 on Twitter, dragonlady7 on Dreamwidth, find me on Dreamwidth mostly

Jun 27

As promised, my last night on the farm, when I heard the rain falling and could glimpse the weird gold light through my net curtain door. Photos all taken from the same place; the last thing I did was turn and try to capture how golden the light through the trees was behind the ger. 

The floral vinyl tablecloth I’m using as a door is not the most hashtag-aesthetic thing, but it’s serviceable. 

All photos taken with a D7100 and a 10.5mm fisheye lens, because the ones I took at 17mm with my usual 17-50 were not adequate. Sometimes you just gotta be overdramatic with landscape shots, y’know?

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