Japan fitting F-35 fighters with advanced missile system brings it ‘much closer to targets’, says defence analyst
The system has a unitary warhead, meaning it is designed to detonate on specific targets and is therefore ideal for attacks on land-based sites

The Japanese government is planning to fit its next-generation F-35 fighters with advanced air-to-surface missiles, a development one analyst says would provide the Air Self-Defence Force with “a big step forward in stand-off capability”.
Japan has previously resisted the temptation to purchase air-to-surface missiles for its fighters out of concern that its neighbours would accuse Tokyo of deploying an offensive military capability. Given the deteriorating security in northeast Asia, however, the government has decided to upgrade its strike capabilities, the Yomiuri newspaper reported on Tuesday.
Japan is expected to purchase the Joint Strike Missile (JSM), developed primarily by Norway’s Kongsberg Defence Systems.
This weapon, combined with the F-35, will permit Japan to get much closer to targets with a high degree of stealth
“The JSM has a tremendous capability and Japan has never previously had anything like this,” said Lance Gatling, a defence analyst and president of Tokyo-based Nexial Research Inc.