Ah, I wondered what that was for. I'm in the UK, so couldn't text it.The ARG was a "search party" where you text a number on your phone and get responses about where Arnold, Gerald and Helga are. It's not that interesting but cool that they did it.
If by any chance this Hey Arnold movie kills it in the ratings, I literally could see it coming back because it would be a great pairing with TLH, which has a lot of the same charm and groundedness that made Hey Arnold so good back in the day.
I'd also suggest they'd use Hey Arnold to explore more diverse tones of children's shows like TLH has and tackle social issues because the show has such a unique set of characters already.
Gay Arnold would NEVER work because this is a children's showGrey Arnold!
Say Arnold!
Decay Arnold!
Obey Arnold!
Gay Arnold!
(depending on how Arnold's future would look like)
Well, standards for what can and can't be accepted in kids shows are loosening up a bit. However, I agree it wouldn't work considering that Arnold has only shown attraction to girls, and none of the close friendships he has with the guys can be interpreted in this light.Gay Arnold would NEVER work because this is a children's show
And then there's Hey Hey Hey Arnold!Grey Arnold!
Say Arnold!
Decay Arnold!
Obey Arnold!
Gay Arnold!
Grey Arnold!
Say Arnold!
Decay Arnold!
Obey Arnold!
Gay Arnold!
(depending on how Arnold's future would look like)
Clyde has 2 dads, and Luna has been revealed to be bisexual. There was also a character with down syndrome (I think his name was CJ and he appeared in relative Chaos) that was treated like a normal person.Since when has TLH even done that, I'm calling this BAIT
Wow. I would have never seen this coming. Gay couple, yes. Bisexual, no.Luna has been revealed to be bisexual.
It's from the episode "L Is for Love"Wow. I would have never seen this coming. Gay couple, yes. Bisexual, no.
May I ask what episode had this reveal?
Since when has TLH even done that, I'm calling this BAIT
That poor kid's going to hear his name all day if he heard more of these.Grey Arnold!
Say Arnold!
Decay Arnold!
Obey Arnold!
Gay Arnold!
(depending on how Arnold's future would look like)
That's pretty weaak man, only three examples, shows like Steven Universe and Hey Arnold went way and beyond there witha lot of different issues but lets get back on topic