Exclude Specific Content from SharePoint Search Results
This is a quick one, and I’m only posting because it took me a while to find the answer with my Binglage. It’s one of those things I know I can do, but I forget the syntax.

Most of the answers I found for this involved going into settings (or running Powershell or writing code – overkill!) to exclude content from results semi-permanently. That’s not what I want in this case.
Say you want to search SharePoint for a specific phrase. In my case today, we want to change the name of the Intranet, so I was searching for the old Intranet name. This would give me the places where documents or pages contained the old Intranet name so I could change it in the content.
When I simply searched for “Old Intranet Name” in Everything, I was getting back a whole lot of documents we put together as we were building the Intranet. The phrase in those documents was irrelevant, so I really wanted to exclude those documents from my search results.
The trick is to exclude the specific path (or any other useful attribute value) so that I reduce the result set down to what I really want. It works basically the same way most search engines do; if you put a value after a dash character, content with that value will be excluded from the results.
"Old Intranet Name" -path:https://myTenantName.sharepoint.com/sites/OldIntranetProject
The trick is that you need to know what the specific attribute – which in SharePoint is a Managed Property – you need to use for the exclusion to work correctly. In this case, I wanted to exclude an entire path, meaning any document which lived at that URL or below.
While I’m working in SharePoint Online today, this works going all the way back to SharePoint 2007, I believe.
Good search skills are critical in today’s world, so knowing how to exclude content is just as important as including it.
It so happens that Brian Jackett (@BrianTJackett) just tweeted something analogous, so here’s a good reference that shows more possible options.
TFW you realize that you can use advanced search queries to find all documents without a Compliance Tags :) https://t.co/1WjnYKdy57
— Brian T. Jackett (@BrianTJackett) July 24, 2017
Nice work Mark, allows love reading your stuff.