Don't Get Hit by a Nerf Dart Traveling at Twice the Speed of Sound

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YouTuber Giaco Whatever is on a quest to build a Nerf blaster that will do more than just leave a tiny welt on someone. He’s constructed an air-powered dart cannon that generates 400 PSI of pressure, and when cranked to full power, it can apparently send a Nerf dart flying at Mach 2.3, twice the speed of sound, or just over 1,700 miles per hour.


On impact with a hard surface like a wooden board, the dart disintegrates into scraps of foam shrapnel. Replace that board with a person, and it’s going to do a lot worse than just leaving a massive bruise. Given the size of the dart’s soft tip, and the light weight of the foam, it might not break the skin, but that’s why Giaco Whatever is already working on a second version of this cannon. Please, keep it away from us.

