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The World Is Ending, Just As It's Always Been

Humans have often feared that the apocalypse is nigh. So why does it feel like things are worse now than they’ve ever been? And what, if anything, can we do about it?

Why Venmo Is My Favorite Sympathy Card

Turns out, the app that is mostly used to pay for your share of Ubers and bar tabs is also a fantastic way to be there for someone when they are in crisis.

This Is What It's Like To Be On Call For Disaster

When catastrophe strikes, who you gonna call? Turns out, there are teams of people across the country, ready and willing to head straight into the arms of the next destructive event.

I Style Dead People

Even in death, everyone is striving for that perfect no-makeup makeup look.

23 Things ER Employees Want You To Know

"Some days you remember that you're saving people's lives and privileged to know their deepest, darkest secrets. Some days all you do is pull objects out of people's butts and subdue wildly drunken assholes for their own good."

I'm Terrible, Thanks For Asking

After my husband died, my father died, and I lost my second pregnancy — all in the span of six weeks — everyone wanted to know how I was doing. And everyone heard the same thing: "I’m fine.”

What To Expect When You're Expecting The Collapse Of Society As We Know It

Millions of Americans may identify as “preppers,” but most don’t have massive stockpiles of guns, dress in camo, or live off the grid. They’re more like Lisa Bedford, the "Survival Mom," who’s built a massive following simply by suggesting that being ready — for a financial crisis, for a massive natural disaster, for a terrorist attack — is just common sense.

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