New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind on Wednesday blasted pro-Sharia law and anti-Israel activist Linda Sarsour for claiming that Palestinian Arabs' actions in the wake of Israel's security measures on the Temple Mount amounted to “an act of non-violent resistance”. Hikind's comments referred to the following Facebook post written by Sarsour last Saturday: “This is commitment. This is inspiration. This is Palestine. Denied access to pray at Al Aqsa Mosque in their own homeland, Palestinians pray on the streets in an act of non-violent resistance... While the world powers continue to turn a blind eye to the injustice against and the suffering of the Palestinian people, they remain steadfast and teach us life.” In response, Hikind said, “This is Linda Sarsour writing on Facebook on Saturday July 22. These words glorifying actions that would turn into riots. These words written 12 hours after the innocent Salomon family was attacked in their home by a blood-thirsty madman.” “The Solomon family was celebrating the birth of a child because Jewish tradition is to celebrate life. Their attacker took a knife and murdered three members from this family because he was raised to deliver terror and death,” he continued. “This is Linda Sarsour’s description of teaching us 'life.' This is her ode to non-violent resistance.” “And just for the sake of accuracy,” Hikind pointed out, “the Palestinians weren’t 'denied access' to their mosque. They were simply asked to pass through metal detectors so no one else would be murdered. Or perhaps Sarsour forgot how two policemen were shot in the back a week earlier after 'worshipers' went into the Al Aqsa Mosque, then turned and opened fire.” “Or, more than likely, she applauded that brave and inspired commitment, too, but just couldn’t find the right spin,” he concluded. Sarsour helped organize the Women’s March in Washington in January and was arrested protesting outside of Trump Hotel in New York. She is also an avowed anti-Zionist, having shared the stage with a terrorist murderer who killed two Jewish students in a supermarket bombing in Israel. Sarsour praised convicted PFLP terrorist Rasmea Odeh when the two addressed a left-wing conference in Chicago on April 2nd, saying she was “honored and privileged to be here in this space, and honored to be on this stage with Rasmea.” In 2015, Sarsour hailed Arab rock throwers targeting Israelis, calling them “The definition of courage”.