Pokemon Go Legendary launch: Trainers catching Articuno and Lugia
THE POKEMON GO Legendary lineup just doubled after Trainers started finding that Articuno had been released in Chicago tonight.
While we knew that Articuno would be added to Pokemon Go after Lugia, we hadn’t been told just how soon that would occur.
Now Pokemon Go Fest players in Chicago are finding Raids battles including the second Legendary, Articuno.
The original message from Niantic explains: “These Trainers also played an integral role in revealing that Lugia would be the first Legendary Pokémon to enter the real world.
“In addition to Lugia, the number of Pokémon caught during Pokémon GO Fest by members of Team Instinct, Team Mystic, and Team Valor were tallied up, and, the winner was… Team Mystic!
“To celebrate this victory, Articuno will join Lugia in Raid Battles everywhere starting immediately.
“Don’t worry, Team Instinct and Team Valor, the Legendary Pokémon Zapdos and Moltres will also make their way into the real world soon, so stay tuned for more information.
“It’s time to adventure together! Gather your friends and family and keep an eye out for Legendary Pokémon Eggs appearing at Gyms near you.”
Legendary Raids have started appearing in normal Gyms, although it’s unclear if this happening everywhere, or will be a gradual rollout.
We were originally told that Lugia would start rolling out within the next 48hrs, and would be followed by another Legendary launch.
It was revealed that Team Mystic made the most contribution to the challenges today, so the next Legendary launch would be Articuno.
There was no release date, so many thought there would be at least a delay of a few weeks.
However, tonight people are running around the area surrounding Grant Park, catching both Lugias and Articunos.
Players haven’t just limited to catching one, although everyone has been guaranteed a Lugia for attending Pokemon Go Fest.
Niantic announced their plans to refund players who attended today’s event, which was hit by multiple issues throughout the day.
“Today at Pokemon Go Fest in Chicago, technical issues created problems for a large number of players attending the event,” a message from Niantic explains.
“From everyone at Niantic, we apologize to all of the Trainers who came out to Pokémon Go Fest today. Although we were able to solve many of the technical issues, we were not able to offer every attendee a great experience."
Niantic are also taking the following steps to make sure that no one misses out on the new Legendary bird Lugia, in case of further crashes.
- All registered attendees will soon receive an email with instructions on how to receive a full refund for the cost of their ticket. These instructions will be sent to the email addresses associated with your Pokémon GO account.
- All registered attendees will receive $100 in PokéCoins in their Pokémon GO account.
- Special Pokémon, Eggs, and check-in PokéStops appearing during Pokémon GO Fest have had their range increased to a two mile radius surrounding Grant Park through Monday morning, July 24. These Pokémon and Eggs will only be visible to Pokémon GO Fest attendees who validated the QR code they received when they entered Pokémon GO Fest. Attendees who were unable to validate their QR code during the event can do so through the special PokéStops through Monday morning.
- All registered attendees will have the Legendary Pokémon, Lugia, added to their account.