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I just got to write this exchange with my own fingers and I’m super pleased with the way this story is going: 

“Tadashi?” Tony asked calmly, “Was that a penguin wearing a machine gun belt?”

“Um… Well, it would seem that way.”

Blinking after the retreating penguin, Tony nodded once. He pursed his lips. He nodded again. “Alright. We’ve seen stranger things.”

“Sure,” Tadashi agreed readily. “Which ones, exactly, were stranger than a penguin wearing a machine gun belt? I’m pretty sure it had an eye patch, too.”

“Well, the eye patch pushes it over the edge of strange,” Tony said, surprised at how reasonable he sounded, even to himself. “Alright. Keep an eye out for any more… warrior penguins. Heaven forbid the machine gun comes trolling out of the trees.”

Tadashi snickered. “Maybe earth is about to be invaded by a penguin army.”

  1. lightshadowverisimilitude posted this
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