Introduction: T-shirt to Fox Ears
Some days ago they turned my kid's classroom into a forest and the teachers asked all the kids to wear ears of different animals. My son chose a fox (I'm not sure if there are foxes in the forest) so I put my crafty mind to work and here's the result.
I used an old t-shirt because I just wanted a little piece of a very specific shade of orange. This kind of fabric is great for no-sew projects too.
Step 1: Materials
- An old orange t-shirt (or just some orange fabric)
- Thin foam (you can find it in any fabrics store)
- Plastic headband
- Permanent marker
- Two pins
- Scissors
- Glue gun and glue sticks
Step 2: Cut Foam and Fabric
You'll first need to cut the shape of the ears in the foam. Make a triangle shape with one side rounded and the other pointy (this side will be folded later).
Put this on top of the t-shirt and cut 1/2 inch around the two upper sides and 1 inch in the bottom part.
Step 3: Glue
Put some glue in the foam and stick the fabric on it. Try not to use it too hot or it will burn your fingers! Just do this in the two upper sides.
Step 4: Fold
Put just a little glue on the pointy part of the ear and fold it to make it look more real. This part will be facing the center of the headband.
Use the marker to draw some lines in the foam that will be the inner shade of the fox ears. Use it in the upper part of the ears (just in the orange section) to make it look more furry.
Step 5: Head Pins
Open the headpins. Make a "U" shape that can fit the width of the headband.
Step 6: Place and Glue
Place the head pin where you want your ear to be. Place the long legs of the pin inside the pocket between the foam and the fabric. Hold it as close as possible to the headband and glue it. Glue the rest of the fabric around the headband to give it more strength and a more polished finish.
Step 7: Wear Them!
Now it's your turn to get creative with the rest of the costume. As this was for a school play there was a no-makeup policy but, as I'm a Makeup Artist I decided to give it a try at home. Want to see the makeup tutorial for this little fox? I'll be posting the instructable very soon so follow me to make sure you don't miss it!
Crazy about foxes? Visit my website here to see some really cool fox DIYs.