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Review: New Spider-Man swings to the head of the class with 'Homecoming'

Brian Truitt

Spider-Man: Homecoming breaks away from the past movies starring Marvel Comics’ signature web slinger in one particularly key aspect: All the best stuff happens when he’s not in his mask.

Tom Holland suits up as the title hero in 'Spider-Man: Homecoming.'

The remarkable and refreshing first solo adventure (***½ out of four; rated PG-13; in theaters nationwide July 7) for Tom Holland’s teenage superhero comes with an important to-do list — differentiate its new lead youngster from other Spider-Men, add nuance to a 55-year-old character, plus somehow tie into the overall Marvel cinematic saga without being annoying about it. Director Jon Watts’ film undoubtedly succeeds by making it about a boy rather than his wall-crawling alter ego.

If nothing else, Homecoming makes this very clear: Peter Parker is an unspectacular, not-that-amazing Spider-Man, but dagnabbit, the kid’s going to be just fine.

Exclusive photo: Spider-Man Tom Holland unmasked in 'Homecoming'

The movie gets off to a sluggish start, spending a lot of time setting up new villain the Vulture (Michael Keaton showcasing some over-the-top Birdman flair) and catching the audience up on Spidey’s grand adventure fighting Avengers in last year’s Captain America: Civil War, which introduced Holland in the role. (Bonus points for having it be Peter’s very enthusiastic video diary.)

Once we get to the hallowed halls of Midtown School of Science & Technology — an anticlimactic turn for Peter after hanging with quasi-mentor Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) — Homecoming becomes the perfect teen movie that you never realized Marvel needed, complete with girls debating Thor and Spider-Man’s hotness quotient in gym class and Captain America starring in cheesy physical-fitness videos. Peter is regularly picked on by academic rival Flash (a winningly popped-collar Tony Revolori), and our sophomore hero pines for the coolest senior in school, Liz (Laura Harrier) — and gets called out for it in biting fashion by quirky classmate Michelle (Zendaya).

Peter (Tom Holland, left) and Ned (Jacob Batalon) make time for superheroing on a school trip in 'Spider-Man: Homecoming.'

Don’t worry, Marvel true believers, plenty of superheroing goes down. Vulture and his antagonistic salvagers repurpose powerful technology left over after superhero battles for their own financial gain, and Spidey quickly becomes a thorn in their side with his sweet Stark Tech suit. Downey’s character comes and goes throughout Homecoming without ever stealing Spider-Man’s thunder, and the young hero gets plenty of fight from his winged arch enemy, battling the Vulture on the Staten Island Ferry and on an airplane carrying a treasure trove of Avenger gadgets.

'Spider-Man: Homecoming' world premiere: 5 carpet highlights

Holland not only looks the part of a 15-year-old but portrays the needed vulnerability, immaturity and jocularity of his comic-book counterpart that was sorely missed in previous movie incarnations. His Peter Parker nerds out for Mike Piazza and Star Wars Legos, accepts a free churro after saving an old lady, and gets best friend Ned (Jacob Batalon) to jailbreak the programming on his supersuit. Previous Spidey movies had him majestically swing through Manhattan — this one has him crashing through a suburban neighborhood and scaring backyard campers, plus features a heart-to-heart between Peter and his suit’s onboard AI (voiced by Jennifer Connelly).

'Spider-Man': Check out the first photos of Michael Keaton as Vulture

The magic of Homecoming is that it belongs more to the John Hughes cinematic universe than the Avengers’. It cleverly references other Marvel films and even iconic scenes from previous Spider-jams, and right when it needs to, the story tosses out a big twist that ups the emotional stakes for Peter and brings his student and superhero lives crashing down on him.

He gets back up again to do the right thing, though, and as much as this Spider-Man upends the rule book, Homecoming is king at capturing the core nature of the character.

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