text post
  • the thing is, right, i absolutely want to be known, but only by the right people (if you follow me/we’re mutuals, you’re the right people): i remember very distinctly that one day the dude i was having very mediocre sex with for, inexplicably, like 5 years made an offhand comment about something I liked (‘oh, i know how much you like peacocks’) and I was like no no no no abort mission you don’t get to know that 

  • 6 years ago on June 13, 2017 at 9:06 am

    original post
    35 notes
    1. lesquatrechevrons said: #wild but also relatable????? I’m the same with my landdick tbh 🤔 (you put it into words!!!)
    2. lenorajoon said: ugh yes exactly
    3. aknightowl said: I love the idea that it was this incident that prompted you to end five years of mediocre sex.
    4. elucubrare posted this
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