Gal Gadot Gushes About Patty Jenkins in Badass Behind-the-Scenes Wonder Woman Footage
If Wonder Woman hadn't had Patty Jenkins as its director, there's no doubt that the superhero flick would've been a much different (and probably worse) movie, a fact that leading lady Gal Gadot wholeheartedly agrees with. In some incredibly cool behind-the-scenes footage she shared on Instagram, Gadot can't help but gush about her fearless director. "I am so lucky Patty was the one to direct this movie, and that her vision for Diana was in line with mine," she said, as clips of her executing some pretty sweet stunts are revealed. "She's such a brilliant, talented person, and to be able to work with someone who is so funny and loving and warm felt amazing." Let's hope they team up again for the sequel.