Group accuses CAN president of reckless spending, in-house fighting

The Patriotic Christian Youth of Nigeria (PCYN) on Sunday accused the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN),
Rev Samson Ayokunle of spending over N40 million to purchase official vehicles in an era of economic recession and while many Christians are languishing in displaced camps across the country, seeking for urgent assistance.
“With the current situation of Christians having Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) everywhere in Nigeria, should CAN talk about
changing cars while our members are crying out there without the basic necessities of life? No food, clothes and shelters.
The allegations were raised by the National President of PCYN, Evangelist Simon Timothy Nasso, in an exclusive chat with DAILYPOST in Jos.
Nasso said, all the past Leaders of CAN made sacrifices and their respective denominations help bear their financial responsibilities.
He explained thatpast leaders maintained the financial integrity of CAN, adding that some of them expended their personal resources to take care of some expenses in taking care of Christians at the IDPs Camps while they serve as CAN President.
But wondered, why the current President is not following the good example of his predecessors.
“Why is Ayokunle putting too much demands on CAN? He asked.
“Spending over N40 million to purchase official vehicles whereas he is not a full time staff of the Association especially in this era
of economic recession.
“Why is Ayokunle more interested in jumping from one Government House to the other and in most cases, all alone?
“The fall out of such homage to politicians, we shall make it public in due season”, he maintained.
“As President of Nigeria Baptist Convention, is Ayokunle not having an official vehicle? He asked.
“We want to know, what then is the major priority of CAN? Purchase of flashes cars? Nasso asked further.
The Evangelist also decried the in-house fighting within CAN, “Why is there in-house fightings within the rank and files of the
association under Ayokunle’s regime as never witness before in the history of CAN?
The group also accused the CAN President of being tribalistic in his appointments, citing the appointment of the new CAN General Secretary in person of Pastor Onifade a Baptist and the President’s kinsman.
“Whose agenda is Ayokunle executing? He asked further.
“Occupying every space in CAN with his tribal men and women, a situation if you are not a Yoruba man or woman Ayokunle will never have your time.
“Is Ayokunle propagating a tribal gospel in CAN? or the gospel of unity which is the main aim and objective of CAN?
“We need to really call Rev Dr Samson
Ayokunle, the President of CAN to order before the eminent collapse of CAN in the midst of gross marginalization of Christians, gross Persecution of believers, killings and maiming of Christians in the country.
“We are calling on Baptist Convention and CCN bloc, a respected body to stop pretending not to see the ills of Ayokunle whose interest is to use CAN to make money for himself and Onifade”, he stressed.
The PCYN further stated that it is worthy to be reminded that, “when a man came with a regional agenda leading to the just recent CAN election, we the Patriotic Christian Youth of Nigeria ( PCYN) stood against such divisive idea and agenda by doing
all within our power to bring Ayokunle to the position of CAN President”.