Imran Khan calls on International community to take note of ‘rights abuses’ in Kashmir



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Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf chairperson Imran Khan on Sunday strongly condemned the ongoing “reign of terror” unleashed by Indian forces in Jammu Kashmir after the killing of popular militant commander Burhan Wani’s successor Sabzar Bhat on Saturday, Pakistan Today reported.

“In addition, protestors were fired upon with shotgun pellets by Indian troops as a curfew was imposed in Srinagar and a media blackout was imposed by the Indian government. The new round of terror and violence unleashed by India against the Kashmiri people in Indian occupied Kashmir was nothing short of state terrorism,” Khan asserted.

He called on the international community to take note of this “Indian state terrorism” against the Kashmiri people, which was a violation not just of the UN charter and its underlying principle of the right of self-determination but of all international human rights and humanitarian laws.

Khan reminded the world that the Jammu Kashmir valley remains the most militarized region of the world and it was a sad reflection of the state of global politics today that “India’s violence and terrorism” against unarmed Kashmiri people was being allowed to go unchecked despite multiple international calls for combating all forms of terrorism. “The hypocrisy and double standards of the international community have never been so starkly displayed as on the Kashmir issue,” Khan commented.

“India’s media blackout, its suspension of internet services and a re-imposition of the ban on a number of social media sites including Twitter and Facebook, are all reflective of the repressive and authoritarian nature of the Indian government and its troops in Jammu Kashmir.”

Khan said the use of “military force” cannot be used to deny the Kashmiris their basic right to self-determination guaranteed to them by the UN Security Council Resolutions. “We will always stand by the Kashmiri people in their struggle for self determination and justice.” Khan made clear that no solution to the Kashmir conflict can be valid or viable without the support of the Kashmiri people. “The Kashmiri people must have the right to decide their future.”

Khan also criticized the failure of the present Pakistan government to forcefully project the Kashmir cause and Indian “abuse of human rights” and humanitarian laws in Jammu and Kashmir, on international forums. “The Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir, headed by Maulana Fazlur Rehman, has also been a shameful failure and must be held accountable.” Khan concluded by regretting that the personal relationships PM Sharif has with Indian businessmen has prevented him from speaking forcefully for the Kashmiri people on the multiple international forums he has addressed in his expansive foreign travels.


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