hand holding a coffee mug

Brew Better Coffee

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Who are We?

A community of passionate coffee hobbyists, baristas and travellers who research, test and share knowledge in the home barista market. We strive to simplify home coffee brewing so that you can make better decisions about buying and brewing quality coffee, without having to be an expert.

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Our team of trained baristas and coffee experts has written more than 500 articles on all things coffee. A curated selection of our most popular pieces is below.

Coffee Gear

If you’re looking to find the best coffee gear, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a seasoned barista or a complete beginner, the right equipment can make all the difference in your brewing experience. From espresso machines and grinders to gooseneck kettles and pour-over kits, we cover every piece of equipment you’ll need to brew delicious coffee.

In our coffee gear hub, you’ll find:

  • Detailed Reviews: We put coffee gear to the test, providing in-depth reviews that cover everything from functionality and design to value for money.
  • Comparisons: Not sure whether to go for a manual or an automatic espresso machine? Or maybe you’re torn between two popular coffee grinder models? Our product comparisons will help you weigh the pros and cons.
  • Buying Guides: These guides will take you through the key factors to consider when buying different types of coffee gear, helping you choose the equipment that best suits your needs and budget.
  • Maintenance Tips: Good coffee gear is an investment. We provide tips and guides on how to clean and maintain your equipment to ensure it lasts and continues to produce great coffee for years to come.
  • Latest Trends: Stay updated on the latest coffee gear trends, innovative designs, and new products hitting the market from big brands to niche Kickstarter projects.

Here are some of our most-read guides:

Coffee Bean Guides

Once you’ve got a good setup for brewing, the next stage is to find some high quality coffee beans. The beans you choose are more than just an ingredient; they’re the foundation of your brew, holding the potential to take your coffee experience from good to great.

At Home Grounds, we’re passionate about exploring the diverse world of coffee. Our coffee beans hub is your guide to this journey, offering a wealth of knowledge about the myriad of coffee beans from across the globe. We delve into the unique tasting notes and varietals of different regions, the impact of different roast levels, and the influence of brewing methods on the final cup.

Here are some of our favorites to get you started.

Coffee Drinks

In our huge library of coffee drinks, we explore and celebrate the diverse world of coffee-based beverages. From timeless classics such as espresso and cappuccino to contemporary creations like the cortado and dalgona, we traverse the broad spectrum of coffee’s potential. Our collection also extends to an exciting array of coffee cocktails and delicious coffee-infused desserts.

Our ever-expanding hub is brimming with comprehensive guides, innovative recipes, and practical tips designed to expand your coffee repertoire and to help you maximize the enjoyment of your beans.

Coffee Basics

If you’re new to the world of coffee, our coffee fundamentals hub is for you. This space has been carefully designed as your go-to guide for all things coffee. We’ve broken down complex topics into easily digestible articles, from the history of coffee to the different roast types and brewing methods.

Our mission is to empower you to brew better coffee, enhance your tasting skills, and ultimately deepen your appreciation for all things coffee. These guides are a great place to start.