While the local archdiocese got the good news about its new shepherd, it also got some bad news that's it being taken to court for a second time. It's a first for Guam...and likely not the last.

Attorney David Lujan announced, "The lawsuits will cause the church to remove the cancer caused by these pedophile priests and restore the Catholic Church to its rightful glory." On Tuesday, Roland Sondia, Roy Quintanilla, Walter Denton and Leo Tudela filed a lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Agana, Archbishop Anthony Apuron, and former Guam priest Father Louis Brouillard. Each of the plaintiffs is represented by Lujan, who says he anticipates another dozen alleged victims to file suit in coming weeks.

The action was made possible through Bill 326 - signed into law last month - and lifts the civil statute of limitations for child sex abuse cases. The legislation wasn't well received by the Archdiocese of Agana, who predicted the unlimited financial liabilities would result in bankruptcy, school closures, and end vital community services.

"The lawsuits will not result in the destruction of the church," Lujan promised. After all, the church has outlived every empire and civil government known to man. The church will reform itself and become even greater."

The civil suit demands for jury trial of six and lists damages for child sexual abuse, negligence, negligent supervision, negligent hiring and retention, and breach of fiduciary duty/confidential relationship. It doesn't however, list how much relief plaintiffs are seeking in monetary damages.

As we reported, Sondia, Quintanilla and Denton allege they were molested by Apuron decades ago while serving as altar boys at Mount Carmel Church in Agat. At a public hearing in support of Bill 326, Tudela testified he was sexually abused by Father Brouillard who in a later interview with KUAM News confessed to molesting several boys while on Guam. He has since moved to Minnesota but continues to receive monthly stipends from the Archdiocese of Agana.

The civil suit follows a defamation suit also against the Archdiocese of Agana and Apuron.